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Kaiser L.G, Meersmann T., Logan J.W, Pines A.  2000.  Visualization of gas flow and diffusion in porous media. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 97(6):2414-2418. PDF
Sterna L., Ronis D., Wolfe S., Pines A.  1980.  Viscosity and Temperature-Dependence of the Magnetic Isotope Effect. Journal of Chemical Physics. 73(11):5493-5499. PDF
Rhim W.K, Pines A, Waugh J.S.  1970.  Violation of Spin-Temperature Hypothesis. Physical Review Letters. 25(4):218-&. PDF
Frydman L., Chingas G.C, Lee Y.K, Grandinetti P.J, Eastman M.A, Barrall G.A, Pines A.  1992.  Variable-Angle Correlation Spectroscopy in Solid-State Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance. Journal of Chemical Physics. 97(7):4800-4808. PDF
Frydman L., Lee Y.K, Emsley L., Chingas G.C, Pines A.  1993.  Variable-Angle 3-Dimensional Exchange Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Spectroscopy for the Study of Molecular-Motion in Complex Solids. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 115(11):4825-4829. PDF
Sakellariou D., Meriles C.A, Moule A., Pines A.  2002.  Variable rotation composite pulses for high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance using inhomogeneous magnetic and radiofrequency fields. Chemical Physics Letters. 363(1-2):25-33. PDF
Park G.HJ, Martin R.W, Sakellariou D., Pines A, Shahkhatuni A.G, Shahkhatuni A.A, Panosyan H.A.  2004.  Variable angle spinning (VAS) NMR study of solvent effects in liquid crystalline solutions of C-13-iodomethane. Chemical Physics Letters. 399(1-3):196-199. PDF
Thayer A.M, Millar J.M, Pines A.  1986.  Two-Dimensional Zero-Field Nmr and Nqr. Chemical Physics Letters. 129(1):55-58. PDF
Havlin R.H, Park G.HJ, Pines A.  2002.  Two-dimensional NMR correlations of liquid crystals using switched angle spinning. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 157(1):163-169. PDF
Gochin M., Hugicleary D., Zimmermann H., Pines A.  1987.  Two-Dimensional Multiple Quantum Nmr of Isotopic Mixtures in Liquid-Crystals. Molecular Physics. 60(1):205-212. PDF
Heise H., Sakellariou D., Meriles C.A, Moule A., Pines A.  2002.  Two-dimensional high-resolution NMR spectra in matched B-0 and B-1 field gradients. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 156(1):146-151. PDF
Baltisberger J.H, Xu Z., Stebbins J.F, Wang S.H, Pines A.  1996.  Triple-quantum two-dimensional Al-27 magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of aluminosilicate and aluminate crystals and glasses. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 118(30):7209-7214. PDF
Demas V., Meriles C., Sakellariou D., Han S.I, Reimer J., Pines A.  2006.  Toward ex situ phase-encoded spectroscopic imaging. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B-Magnetic Resonance Engineering. 29B(3):137-144. PDF
Garbow J.R, Weitekamp D.P, Pines A.  1983.  Total Spin Coherence Transfer Echo Spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics. 79(11):5301-5310. PDF
Ernst M., Meier B.H, Tomaselli M., Pines A.  1998.  Time-reversal of cross-polarization in nuclear magnetic resonance. Journal of Chemical Physics. 108(23):9611-9613. PDF
Rhim W.K, Pines A, Waugh J.S.  1971.  Time-Reversal Experiments in Dipolar-Coupled Spin Systems. Physical Review B. 3(3):684-&. PDF
Tycko R., Pines A, Stehlik D..  1982.  Time-Resolved Optical Nuclear-Polarization by Rapid Field Switching. Chemical Physics Letters. 93(4):392-395. PDF
Granwehr J., Harel E., Han S., Garcia S., Pines A, Sen P.N, Song Y.Q.  2005.  Time-of-flight flow imaging using NMR remote detection. Physical Review Letters. 95(7) PDF
Harel E., Hilty C., Koen K., McDonnell E.E, Pines A.  2007.  Time-of-flight flow imaging of two-component flow inside a microfluidic chip. Physical Review Letters. 98(1) PDF
Ernst M., Meier B.H, Tomaselli M., Pines A.  1998.  Time reversal of cross-polarization in solid-state NMR. Molecular Physics. 95(5):849-858. PDF
Bielecki A., Zax D.B, Thayer A.M, Millar J.M, Pines A.  1986.  Time Domain Zero-Field Nmr and Nqr. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences. 41(1-2):440-444. PDF
Demas V., Sakellariou D., Meriles C.A, Han S., Reimer J., Pines A.  2004.  Three-dimensional phase-encoded chemical shift MRI in the presence of inhomogeneous fields. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101(24):8845-8847. PDF
Warren W.S, Weitekamp D.P, Pines A.  1980.  Theory of Selective Excitation of Multiple-Quantum Transitions. Journal of Chemical Physics. 73(5):2084-2099. PDF
