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Pines A.  1996.  Failed Failure. The NMR Newsletter. (459) PDF
Ernst M., Kolbert A.C, Schmidt-Rohr K., Pines A.  1996.  Isotropic second-order dipolar shifts in the rotating frame. Journal of Chemical Physics. 104(21):8258-8268. PDF
Hong M., Pines A, Caldarelli S..  1996.  Measurement and assignment of long-range C-H dipolar couplings in liquid crystals by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 100(35):14815-14822. PDF
Caldarelli S., Hong M., Emsley L., Pines A.  1996.  Measurement of carbon-proton dipolar couplings in liquid crystals by local dipolar field NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 100(48):18696-18701. PDF
Bifone A., Song Y.Q, Seydoux R., Taylor R.E, Goodson B.M, Pietrass T., Budinger T.F, Navon G., Pines A.  1996.  NMR of laser-polarized xenon in human blood. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 93(23):12932-12936. PDF
Barrall G.A, Schmidt-Rohr K., Lee Y.K, Landfester K., Zimmermann H., Chingas G.C, Pines A.  1996.  Rotational diffusion measurements of suspended colloidal particles using two-dimensional exchange nuclear magnetic resonance. Journal of Chemical Physics. 104(2):509-520. PDF
Ernst M., Bush S., Kolbert A.C, Pines A.  1996.  Second-order recoupling of chemical-shielding and dipolar-coupling tensors under spin decoupling in solid-state NMR. Journal of Chemical Physics. 105(9):3387-3397. PDF
Pietrass T., Bifone A., Roth R.D, Koch V.P, Alivisatos A.P, Pines A.  1996.  Si-29 high resolution solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of porous silicon. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 202(1-2):68-76. PDF
Pines A.  1996.  Solid-State NMR: Some Personal Recollections. Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - Historical Perspectives. 1:533-540. PDF
Heller J., Kolbert A.C, Larsen R., Ernst M., Bekker T., Baldwin M., Prusiner S.B, Pines A, Wemmer D.E.  1996.  Solid-state NMR studies of the prion protein H1 fragment. Protein Science. 5(8):1655-1661. PDF
Baldwin M.A., Zhang H., Bekker T., Zhou S., Nguyen J., Kolbert A.C., Heller J., James T.L., Wemmer D.E., Pines A et al..  1996.  Synthetic Peptides Model α - Helix - β - Sheet Conformational Changes in the Prion Protien. Peptides: Chemistry, Structure and Biology. :468-470.
Baltisberger J.H, Xu Z., Stebbins J.F, Wang S.H, Pines A.  1996.  Triple-quantum two-dimensional Al-27 magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of aluminosilicate and aluminate crystals and glasses. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 118(30):7209-7214. PDF
Pines A.  1997.  Bubbling NMR polarization onto surfaces and into solution.. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. 214:378-PHYS.
Hodgkinson P., Pines A.  1997.  Cross-polarization efficiency in INS systems using adiabatic RF sweeps. Journal of Chemical Physics. 107(21):8742-8751. PDF
DePaul S.M, Ernst M., Shore J.S, Stebbins J.F, Pines A.  1997.  Cross-polarization from quadrupolar nuclei to silicon using low-radio-frequency amplitudes during magic-angle spinning. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 101(16):3240-3249. PDF
Heller J., Laws D.D, Tomaselli M., King D.S, Wemmer D.E, Pines A, Havlin R.H, Oldfield E..  1997.  Determination of dihedral angles in peptides through experimental and theoretical studies of alpha-carbon chemical shielding tensors. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 119(33):7827-7831. PDF
Room T., Appelt S., Seydoux R., Hahn E.L, Pines A.  1997.  Enhancement of surface NMR by laser-polarized noble gases. Physical Review B. 55(17):11604-11610. PDF
Jones J.A, Pines A.  1997.  Geometric dephasing in zero-field magnetic resonance. Journal of Chemical Physics. 106(8):3007-3016. PDF
Goodson B.M, Song Y.Q, Taylor R.E, Schepkin V.D, Brennan K.M, Chingas G.C, Budinger T.F, Navon G., Pines A.  1997.  In vivo NMR and MRI using injection delivery of laser-polarized xenon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 94(26):14725-14729. PDF
TonThat D.M, Augustine M.P, Pines A, Clarke J.  1997.  Low magnetic field dynamic nuclear polarization using a single-coil two-channel probe. Review of Scientific Instruments. 68(3):1527-1531. PDF
Wang S.H, Xu Z., Baltisberger J.H, Bull L.M, Stebbins J.F, Pines A.  1997.  Multiple-quantum magic-angle spinning and dynamic-angle spinning NMR spectroscopy of quadrupolar nuclei. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 8(1):1-16. PDF
Lin Y.Y, Hodgkinson P., Ernst M., Pines A.  1997.  A novel detection-estimation scheme for noisy NMR signals: Applications to delayed acquisition data. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 128(1):30-41. PDF
Skalla J., Wackerle G., Mehring M., Pines A.  1997.  Optical magnetic resonance imaging of Rb vapor in low magnetic fields. Physics Letters A. 226(1-2):69-74. PDF
Pietrass T., Seydoux R., Roth R.E, Eckert H., Pines A.  1997.  P-31 to Se-77 cross polarization in beta-P4Se3. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 8(4):265-267. PDF
Song Y.Q, Goodson B.M, Taylor R.E, Laws D.D, Navon G., Pines A.  1997.  Selective enhancement of NMR signals for alpha-cyclodextrin with laser-polarized xenon. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition in English. 36(21):2368-2370. PDF
