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Journal Article
Thayer A.M, Millar J.M, Luzar M., Jarvie T.P, Pines A.  1986.  Zero-Field Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance of a Nematic Liquid-Crystal. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 90(8):1577-1581. PDF
Thayer A.M, Luzar M., Pines A.  1987.  Zero-Field Nmr-Study of the Biaxial Smectic-E Phase. Liquid Crystals. 2(2):241-244. PDF
Luzar M., Thayer A.M, Pines A.  1987.  Zero-Field Nmr of Uniaxial and Biaxial Smectic Liquid-Crystals. Molecular Physics. 62(3):573-583. PDF
Millar J.M, Thayer A.M, Zax D.B, Pines A.  1986.  Zero-Field Nmr of Small-Amplitude Motions in a Polycrystalline Solid. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 108(17):5113-5116. PDF
Thayer A.M, Luzar M., Pines A.  1987.  Zero-Field Nmr of Nematic Liquid-Crystals with Positive and Negative Magnetic-Susceptibility Anisotropies. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 91(8):2194-2197. PDF
Millar J.M, Thayer A.M, Bielecki A., Zax D.B, Pines A.  1985.  Zero-Field Nmr and Nqr with Selective Pulses and Indirect Detection. Journal of Chemical Physics. 83(3):934-938. PDF
Thayer A.M, Pines A.  1987.  Zero-Field Nmr. Accounts of Chemical Research. 20(2):47-53. PDF
Thayer A.M, Millar J.M, Pines A.  1986.  Two-Dimensional Zero-Field Nmr and Nqr. Chemical Physics Letters. 129(1):55-58. PDF
Bielecki A., Zax D.B, Thayer A.M, Millar J.M, Pines A.  1986.  Time Domain Zero-Field Nmr and Nqr. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences. 41(1-2):440-444. PDF
Luzar M., Thayer A.M, Pines A.  1987.  Quenching of Residual Fields by Nonaxially Symmetrical Dipolar Coupling in Zero-Field Nmr. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 73(3):459-466. PDF
Millar J.M, Thayer A.M, Zimmermann H., Pines A.  1986.  High-Resolution Studies of Deuterium by Time-Domain Zero-Field Nqr. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 69(2):243-257. PDF
Thayer A.M, Luzar M., Pines A.  1987.  Heteronuclear Zero-Field Nmr of Liquid-Crystals. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 72(3):567-573. PDF
Jarvie T.P, Thayer A.M, Millar J.M, Pines A.  1987.  Effect of Correlated Proton Jumps on the Zero-Field Nmr-Spectrum of Solid P-Toluic Acid. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 91(9):2240-2242. PDF
Thayer A.M, Pines A.  1986.  Composite Pulses in Zero-Field Nmr. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 70(3):518-522. PDF