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Journal Article
Sun B.Q, Pines A.  1993.  An Approximate Method of Side-Band Intensity Calculation in Magic-Angle-Spinning Nmr. Applied Magnetic Resonance. 5(1):43-61. PDF
Meriles C.A, Sakellariou D., Heise H., Moule A.J, Pines A.  2001.  Approach to high-resolution ex situ NMR spectroscopy. Science. 293(5527):82-85. PDF
Lowery T.J., Rubin S.M., Ruiz E.J., Spence M.M., Winssinger N., Schultz P.G., Pines A, Wemmer D.E..  2003.  Applications of Laser-Polarized 129 XE NMR to Biomolecular Assays. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (21):1235-1239. PDF
Heller J., Larsen R., Ernst M., Kolbert A.C, Baldwin M., Prusiner S.B, Wemmer D.E, Pines A.  1996.  Application of rotational resonance to inhomogeneously broadened systems. Chemical Physics Letters. 251(3-4):223-229. PDF
Xu S., Donaldson M.H, Pines A, Rochester S.M, Budker D., Yashchuk V.V.  2006.  Application of atomic magnetometry in magnetic particle detection. Applied Physics Letters. 89(22) PDF
King JP, Sjolander TF, Blanchard JW.  2017.  Antisymmetric Couplings Enable Direct Observation of Chirality in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 8(4):710-714.
Tang J., Sterna L., Pines A.  1980.  Anisotropic Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Deuterated Hexamethylbenzene. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 41(3):389-394. PDF
Gibby M.G, Waugh J.S, Pines A.  1972.  Anisotropic Nuclear Spin Relaxation of C-13 in Solid Benzene. Chemical Physics Letters. 16(2):296-&. PDF
Warren W.S, Pines A.  1981.  Analogy of Multiple-Quantum Nmr to Isotopic Spin Labeling. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 103(7):1613-1617. PDF
Moule A.J, Spence M.M, Han S.I, Seeley J.A, Pierce K.L, Saxena S, Pines A.  2003.  Amplification of xenon NMR and MRI by remote detection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100(16):9122-9127. PDF
Connor C., Chang J., Pines A.  1990.  Aluminum and Boron Nuclear-Quadrupole Resonance with a Direct-Current Superconducting Quantum Interference Device. Journal of Chemical Physics. 93(11):7639-7646. PDF
Sakellariou D., Meriles C.A, Pines A.  2004.  Advances in ex-situ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Comptes Rendus Physique. 5(3):337-347. PDF
Pietrass T., Bifone A., Pines A.  1995.  Adsorption Properties of Porous Silicon Characterized by Optically Enhanced Xe-129 Nmr-Spectroscopy. Surface Science. 334(1-3):L730-L734. PDF
Jelinek R., Chmelka B.F, Wu Y., Davis M.E, Ulan J.G, Gronsky R., Pines A.  1992.  Adsorption Effects in Aluminophosphate Molecular-Sieves Studied by Al-27 Double-Rotation Nmr. Catalysis Letters. 15(1-2):65-73. PDF
Pines A, Wemmer D., Tang J., Sinton S..  1978.  5-Quantum and 6-Quantum Nmr-Spectra of Oriented Benzene. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 23(1):21-21.
Lee Y.K, Emsley L., Larsen R.G, Schmidt-Rohr K., Hong M., Frydman L., Chingas G.C, Pines A.  1994.  3-Dimensional Variable-Angle Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Exchange Spectroscopy without Rotor Axis Hopping. Journal of Chemical Physics. 101(3):1852-1864. PDF
Leftin J.H, Gilav E., Pines A.  1968.  3 Geometrical Isomers of a 2,4-Disubstituted Bicyclobutane. Chemical Communications. (7):396-&. PDF
Janicke M., Chmelka B.F, Larsen R.G, Shore J., Schmidt-Rohr K., Emsley L., Long H., Pines A.  1994.  2-Dimensional Xe-129 Exchange Nmr Measurements of Xenon Dynamics in Na-a Zeolite. Zeolites and Related Microporous Materials: State of the Art 1994. 84:519-526.
Rosen M.E, Rucker S.P, Schmidt C., Pines A.  1993.  2-Dimensional Proton Nmr-Studies of the Conformations and Orientations of N-Alkanes in a Liquid-Crystal Solvent. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 97(15):3858-3866. PDF
Gochin M., Pines A, Rosen M.E, Rucker S.P, Schmidt C..  1990.  2-Dimensional Nmr-Studies of Flexible Molecules in Liquid-Crystals - Orientational Order and Conformational Probabilities of N-Hexane. Molecular Physics. 69(4):671-695. PDF
Sjolander TF, Tayer MCD, Kentner A, Budker D, Pines A.  2017.  13C-Decoupled J-Coupling Spectroscopy Using Two-Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance at Zero-Field. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 8:1512-1516.
Gomes M, Dao P, Jeong K, Slack C, Vassiliou C, Francis MB, Wemmer D, Pines A.  2016.  129Xe NMR Relaxation-Based Macromolecular Sensing. JACS Communication. 138(31)
