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Baum J., Tycko R., Pines A.  1985.  Broad-Band and Adiabatic Inversion of a 2-Level System by Phase-Modulated Pulses. Physical Review A. 32(6):3435-3447. PDF
Tycko R., Cho H.M, Schneider E., Pines A.  1985.  Composite Pulses without Phase-Distortion. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 61(1):90-101. PDF
Tycko R., Pines A, Guckenheimer J..  1985.  Fixed-Point Theory of Iterative Excitation Schemes in Nmr. Journal of Chemical Physics. 83(6):2775-2802. PDF
Gochin M., Pines A.  1985.  High-Resolution Nmr with a Surface Coil. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 107(24):7193-7194. PDF
Stebbins J.F, Murdoch J.B, Schneider E., Carmichael I.SE, Pines A.  1985.  A High-Temperature High-Resolution Nmr-Study of Na-23, Al-27 and Si-29 in Molten Silicates. Nature. 314(6008):250-252. PDF
Baum J., Munowitz M., Garroway A.N, Pines A.  1985.  Multiple-Quantum Dynamics in Solid-State Nmr. Journal of Chemical Physics. 83(5):2015-2025. PDF
Gochin M., Weitekamp D.P, Pines A.  1985.  A Sharp Method for High-Resolution Nmr of Heteronuclear Spin Systems in Inhomogeneous Fields. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 63(2):431-437. PDF
Zax D.B, Bielecki A., Zilm K.W, Pines A, Weitekamp D.P.  1985.  Zero-Field Nmr and Nqr. Journal of Chemical Physics. 83(10):4877-4905. PDF
Millar J.M, Thayer A.M, Bielecki A., Zax D.B, Pines A.  1985.  Zero-Field Nmr and Nqr with Selective Pulses and Indirect Detection. Journal of Chemical Physics. 83(3):934-938. PDF
Pines A.  1986.  Book review of Solid State NMR for Chemists by Colin J. Fyfe. Journal of the American Chemical Society. (108):5373.
Thayer A.M, Pines A.  1986.  Composite Pulses in Zero-Field Nmr. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 70(3):518-522. PDF
Stebbins J.F, Murdoch J.B, Carmichael I.SE, Pines A.  1986.  Defects and Short-Range Order in Nepheline Group Minerals - a Si-29 Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 13(6):371-381. PDF
Gochin M., Schenker K.V, Zimmermann H., Pines A.  1986.  Determination of Dipole Dipole Couplings in Oriented Normal-Hexane by Two-Dimensional Nmr. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 108(21):6813-6814. PDF
Millar J.M, Thayer A.M, Zimmermann H., Pines A.  1986.  High-Resolution Studies of Deuterium by Time-Domain Zero-Field Nqr. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 69(2):243-257. PDF
Suter D., Pines A, Mehring M..  1986.  Indirect Phase Detection of Nmr Spinor Transitions. Physical Review Letters. 57(2):242-244. PDF
Cho H.M, Tycko R., Pines A, Guckenheimer J..  1986.  Iterative Maps for Bistable Excitation of 2-Level Systems. Physical Review Letters. 56(18):1905-1908. PDF
Drobny G., Weitekamp D.P, Pines A.  1986.  Multiple Quantum Spectrum of Oriented Hexane-D6. Chemical Physics. 108(2):179-185. PDF
Baum J., Gleason K.K, Pines A, Garroway A.N, Reimer J.A.  1986.  Multiple-Quantum Nmr-Study of Clustering in Hydrogenated Amorphous-Silicon. Physical Review Letters. 56(13):1377-1380. PDF
