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Journal Article
Jelinek R., Chmelka B.F, Wu Y., Davis M.E, Ulan J.G, Gronsky R., Pines A.  1992.  Adsorption Effects in Aluminophosphate Molecular-Sieves Studied by Al-27 Double-Rotation Nmr. Catalysis Letters. 15(1-2):65-73. PDF
Wu Y., Peng Z.Y, Olejniczak Z., Sun B.Q, Pines A.  1993.  Effects of Double Rotation on Homonuclear Spin Systems. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Series A. 102(1):29-33. PDF
Wu Y., Chmelka B.F, Pines A, Davis M.E, Grobet P.J, Jacobs P.A.  1990.  High-Resolution Al-27 Nmr-Spectroscopy of the Aluminophosphate Molecular-Sieve Vpi-5. Nature. 346(6284):550-552. PDF
Mueller K.T, Wu Y., Chmelka B.F, Stebbins J., Pines A.  1991.  High-Resolution O-17 Nmr of Solid Silicates. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 113(1):32-38. PDF
Wu Y., Sun B.Q, Pines A, Samoson A., Lippmaa E..  1990.  Nmr Experiments with a New Double Rotor. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 89(2):297-309. PDF
Pines A, Wu Y..  1990.  Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Spectroscopy. 5(9):34-35. PDF
Chmelka B.F, Mueller K.T, Pines A, Stebbins J., Wu Y., Zwanziger J.W.  1989.  O-17 Nmr in Solids by Dynamic-Angle Spinning and Double Rotation. Nature. 339(6219):42-43. PDF
Sun B.Q, Baltisberger J.H, Wu Y., Samoson A., Pines A.  1992.  Sidebands in dynamic angle spinning (DAS) and double rotation (DOR) NMR. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 1(5):267-295. PDF
Jelinek R., Chmelka B.F, Wu Y., Grandinetti P.J, Pines A, Barrie P.J, Klinowski J..  1991.  Study of the Aluminophosphates Alpo4-21 and Alpo4-25 by Al-27 Double-Rotation Nmr. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 113(11):4097-4101. PDF