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Selective excitation in dipole coupled systems. Chemical Physics Letters. 357(3-4):241-248. PDF
2002. Selective enhancement of NMR signals for alpha-cyclodextrin with laser-polarized xenon. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition in English. 36(21):2368-2370. PDF
1997. Selective Double-Quantum Nmr in Solids. Chemical Physics Letters. 73(3):496-499. PDF
1980. Second-order recoupling of chemical-shielding and dipolar-coupling tensors under spin decoupling in solid-state NMR. Journal of Chemical Physics. 105(9):3387-3397. PDF
1996. Search Procedure for Optimizing High-Order Multiple-Quantum Transition Intensities. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 46(3):529-534. PDF
1982. Scaling and Time-Reversal of Spin Couplings in Zero-Field Nmr. Physical Review Letters. 67(15):1989-1992. PDF
1991. Scalar and anisotropic J interactions in undoped InP: A triple-resonance NMR study. Physical Review B. 58(13):8627-8633. PDF
1998. Rotational diffusion measurements of suspended colloidal particles using two-dimensional exchange nuclear magnetic resonance. Journal of Chemical Physics. 104(2):509-520. PDF
1996. Rotary resonance recoupling for half-integer quadrupolar nuclei in solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics. 117(15):7024-7033. PDF
2002. Room-temperature operation of a radiofrequency diamond magnetometer near the shot-noise limit. Journal of Applied Physics. 112(12):124519. PDF
2012. Review of NMR, Basic Principles and Progress volume II by Springer Verlag. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. (31):356.
1978. Review of Advances in Magnetic Resonance. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 6(96):6538.
1974. Reversal of radio-frequency-driven spin diffusion by reorientation of the sample spinning axis. Journal of Chemical Physics. 108(3):826-829. PDF
1998. Resolved magic-angle spinning of anisotropic samples in inhomogeneous fields. Chemical Physics Letters. 358(5-6):391-395. PDF
2002. Resolution of Xe-129 chemical shifts at ultralow magnetic field. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 123(33):8133-8134. PDF
2001. Remotely Detected NMR for the Characterization of Flow and Fast Chromatographic Separations Using Organic Polymer Monoliths. Analytical Chemistry. 83(15):6004-6010. PDF
2011. Remotely Detected MRI Velocimetry in Microporous Bead Packs. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 115(16):4023-4030. PDF
2011. Remotely detected high-field MRI of porous samples. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 167(2):282-290. PDF
2004. Remote detection of nuclear magnetic resonance with an anisotropic magnetoresistive sensor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105(7):2271-2273. PDF
2008. Relaxivity of Gadolinium Complexes Detected by Atomic Magnetometry. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 66(2):605-608. PDF
2011. Relaxation-selective magnetic resonance imaging. Chemical Physics Letters. 311(5):379-384. PDF
1999. Relaxation Mechanisms and Effects of Motion in Albite (Naalsi3o8) Liquid and Glass - a High-Temperature Nmr-Study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 15(2):155-162. PDF
1987. Reintroducing anisotropic interactions in magic-angle-spinning NMR of half-integer quadrupolar nuclei: 3D MQMAS. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 124(36):10652-10653. PDF
2002. Recursive Evaluation of Interaction Pictures. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 75(3):509-512. PDF
1987. Rb-87 Dynamic-Angle Spinning Nmr-Spectroscopy of Inorganic Rubidium Salts. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 114(19):7489-7493. PDF