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Iterative Schemes for Broad-Band and Narrow-Band Population-Inversion in Nmr. Chemical Physics Letters. 111(4-5):462-467. PDF
1984. Indirect Phase Detection of Nmr Spinor Transitions. Physical Review Letters. 57(2):242-244. PDF
1986. Iterative Maps for Bistable Excitation of 2-Level Systems. Physical Review Letters. 56(18):1905-1908. PDF
1986. Iterative Maps for Broad-Band Excitation of Transverse Coherence in 2 Level Systems. Journal of Chemical Physics. 86(12):6591-6601. PDF
1987. Iterative Maps with Multiple Fixed-Points for Excitation of 2 Level Systems. Journal of Chemical Physics. 86(6):3089-3106. PDF
1987. Iterative Carr-Purcell Trains. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 77(3):606-611. PDF
1988. Iterative Schemes for Bilinear Operators - Application to Spin Decoupling. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 77(2):274-293. PDF
1988. Investigations of Adsorbed Organic-Molecules in Na-Y Zeolite by Xe-129 Nmr. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 94(1):27-31. PDF
1990. Isotropic Chemical-Shifts and Quadrupolar Parameters for O-17 Using Dynamic-Angle Spinning Nmr. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 96(17):7001-7004. PDF
1992. Isotropic second-order dipolar shifts in the rotating frame. Journal of Chemical Physics. 104(21):8258-8268. PDF
1996. In vivo NMR and MRI using injection delivery of laser-polarized xenon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 94(26):14725-14729. PDF
1997. Imaging of laser-polarized solid xenon. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 10(4):247-250. PDF
1998. In situ NMR analysis of fluids contained in sedimentary rock. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 133(2):385-387. PDF
1998. Investigations of low-amplitude radio frequency pulses at and away from rotary resonance conditions for I=5/2 Nuclei. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 22(2-3):97-109. PDF
2002. Inclusion complexes oriented in thermotropic liquid-crystalline solvents studied with carbon-13 NMR. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 107(46):12558-12561. PDF
2003. Isotropic-liquid crystalline phase diagram of a CdSe nanorod solution. Journal of Chemical Physics. 120(3):1149-1152. PDF
2004. Isotropic proton-detected local-field nuclear magnetic resonance in solids. Journal of Chemical Physics. 122(7) PDF
2005. Investigation of antirelaxation coatings for alkali-metal vapor cells using surface science techniques. Journal of Chemical Physics. 133(14):144703. PDF
2010. .
Invited Review Article: Instrumentation for nuclear magnetic resonance in zero and ultralow magnetic field. Review of Scientific Instruments. 88
2017. .