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Simple Pulse Sequences for Selective Multiple-Quantum Excitation. Chemical Physics Letters. 88(4):441-443. PDF
1982. Spin Diffusion between Inequivalent Quadrupolar Nuclei by Double-Quantum Flip-Flops. Chemical Physics Letters. 99(1):35-40. PDF
1983. Total Spin Coherence Transfer Echo Spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Physics. 79(11):5301-5310. PDF
1983. Zero-Field Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance. Physical Review Letters. 50(22):1807-1810. PDF
1983. Computer-Simulations of Multiple-Quantum Nmr Experiments .1. Nonselective Excitation. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 60(2):205-235. PDF
1984. Computer-Simulations of Multiple-Quantum Nmr Experiments .1. Nonselective Excitation. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 60(2):205-235. PDF
1984. Computer-Simulations of Multiple-Quantum Nmr Experiments .2. Selective Excitation. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 60(2):236-256. PDF
1984. Fourier-Transform Pure Nuclear-Quadrupole Resonance by Pulsed Field Cycling. Journal of Chemical Physics. 80(5):2232-2234. PDF
1984. A Sharp Method for High-Resolution Nmr of Heteronuclear Spin Systems in Inhomogeneous Fields. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 63(2):431-437. PDF
1985. Zero-Field Nmr and Nqr. Journal of Chemical Physics. 83(10):4877-4905. PDF
1985. Multiple Quantum Spectrum of Oriented Hexane-D6. Chemical Physics. 108(2):179-185. PDF
1986. Multiple-Quantum Nmr-Study on Correlation of 2 Methyl-Groups. Scientia Sinica Series a-Mathematical Physical Astronomical & Technical Sciences. 30(2):157-164.
1987. Observation of Molecular-Reorientation in Ice by Proton and Deuterium Magnetic-Resonance. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 110(17):5668-5671. PDF
1988. Observation of Molecular-Reorientation in Ice by Proton and Deuterium Magnetic-Resonance. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 110(17):5668-5671. PDF
1988. Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance with Dc Squid Preamplifiers. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics. 25(2):1193-1199. PDF
1989. O-17 Nmr in Solids by Dynamic-Angle Spinning and Double Rotation. Nature. 339(6219):42-43. PDF
1989. High-Resolution Al-27 Nmr-Spectroscopy of the Aluminophosphate Molecular-Sieve Vpi-5. Nature. 346(6284):550-552. PDF
1990. Nmr Experiments with a New Double Rotor. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 89(2):297-309. PDF
1990. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Spectroscopy. 5(9):34-35. PDF
1990. A suggestion for detecting rotational tunnelling of CD3: Groups by mulitple quantum spectroscopy. Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance. 12(1/2):9-14. PDF
1990. Framework ordering in aluminophosphate molecular sieves studied by (27)Al double rotation NMR. 69:435-442.
1991. High-Resolution O-17 Nmr of Solid Silicates. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 113(1):32-38. PDF
1991. Pure-Absorption-Phase Dynamic-Angle Spinning. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 92(3):620-627. PDF
1991. Study of the Aluminophosphates Alpo4-21 and Alpo4-25 by Al-27 Double-Rotation Nmr. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 113(11):4097-4101. PDF
1991. Adsorption Effects in Aluminophosphate Molecular-Sieves Studied by Al-27 Double-Rotation Nmr. Catalysis Letters. 15(1-2):65-73. PDF