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Selectivity in Multiple-Quantum Spectroscopy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences. 299(1452):585-592. PDF
1981. Selectivity in Multiple-Quantum Spectroscopy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences. 299(1452):585-592. PDF
1981. Sensitive magnetic control of ensemble nuclear spin hyperpolarization in diamond. Nature Communications. 4:1940. PDF
2013. Sensitivity enhancement by exchange mediated magnetization transfer of the xenon biosensor signal. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 184(1):72-77. PDF
2007. Sensitivity enhancement in multiple-quantum NMR experiments with CPMG detection. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 157(1):160-162. PDF
2002. A Sharp Method for High-Resolution Nmr of Heteronuclear Spin Systems in Inhomogeneous Fields. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 63(2):431-437. PDF
1985. Sidebands in dynamic angle spinning (DAS) and double rotation (DOR) NMR. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 1(5):267-295. PDF
1992. Simple Pulse Sequences for Selective Multiple-Quantum Excitation. Chemical Physics Letters. 88(4):441-443. PDF
1982. Solid-state NMR structural studies of the fibril form of a mutant mouse prion peptide PrP89-143(P101L). Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 29(1-3):183-190. PDF
2006. Solid-state NMR studies of the prion protein H1 fragment. Protein Science. 5(8):1655-1661. PDF
1996. Solid-state NMR studies of the secondary structure of a mutant prion protein fragment of 55 residues that induces neurodegeneration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98(20):11686-11690. PDF
2001. Solid-state NMR studies of the secondary structure of a mutant prion protein fragment of 55 residues that induces neurodegeneration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98(20):11686-11690. PDF
2001. Solid-State O-17 Magic-Angle and Dynamic-Angle Spinning Nmr-Study of the Sio2 Polymorph Coesite. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 99(32):12341-12348. PDF
1995. Spectrally resolved magnetic resonance imaging of a xenon biosensor. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition. 45(1):70-73. PDF
2006. Spectrometers for multiple pulse NMR. Advances in Magnetic Resonance. 5:117-175.
1971. Spin Diffusion between Inequivalent Quadrupolar Nuclei by Double-Quantum Flip-Flops. Chemical Physics Letters. 99(1):35-40. PDF
1983. Spin Echoes and Loschmidt's paradox. Journal Pure Applied Chemistry. 32:317-324. PDF
1972. Spin-Decoupling in Resolution of Chemical Shifts in Solids by Pulsed Nmr. Journal of Chemical Physics. 54(7):3239-&. PDF
1971. SQUID-NQR of N-14. NQI Newsletter. 3(1):24-25.
1994. Squid-Nqr of N-14 in Amino-Acids and Small Peptides. Chemical Physics Letters. 209(1-2):17-21. PDF
1993. Study of the Aluminophosphates Alpo4-21 and Alpo4-25 by Al-27 Double-Rotation Nmr. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 113(11):4097-4101. PDF
1991. A suggestion for detecting rotational tunnelling of CD3: Groups by mulitple quantum spectroscopy. Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance. 12(1/2):9-14. PDF
1990. Suppression of electron spin decoherence of the diamond NV center by a transverse magnetic field. Physical Review B. 88(16) PDF
2013. Targeted Molecular Imaging of Cancer Cells using MS2-Based 129Xe NMR. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 27(8)
2016. Temperature response of (129)Xe depolarization transfer and its application for ultrasensitive NMR detection. Physical Review Letters. 100(25) PDF