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Journal Article
Weitekamp D.P, Bielecki A., Zax D., Zilm K., Pines A.  1983.  Zero-Field Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance. Physical Review Letters. 50(22):1807-1810. PDF
Weitekamp D.P, Bielecki A., Zax D., Zilm K., Pines A.  1983.  Zero-Field Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance. Physical Review Letters. 50(22):1807-1810. PDF
Zax D.B, Bielecki A., Kulzick M.A, Muetterties E.L, Pines A.  1986.  Zero-Field Nmr of Solid Bis(Mu-Hydrido)Decacarbonyltriosmium. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 90(6):1065-1069. PDF
Millar J.M, Thayer A.M, Zax D.B, Pines A.  1986.  Zero-Field Nmr of Small-Amplitude Motions in a Polycrystalline Solid. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 108(17):5113-5116. PDF
Millar J.M, Thayer A.M, Bielecki A., Zax D.B, Pines A.  1985.  Zero-Field Nmr and Nqr with Selective Pulses and Indirect Detection. Journal of Chemical Physics. 83(3):934-938. PDF
Bielecki A., Zax D.B, Zilm K.W, Pines A.  1986.  Zero-Field Nmr and Nqr Spectrometer. Review of Scientific Instruments. 57(3):393-403. PDF
Bielecki A., Zax D.B, Zilm K.W, Pines A.  1986.  Zero-Field Nmr and Nqr Spectrometer. Review of Scientific Instruments. 57(3):393-403. PDF
Zax D.B, Bielecki A., Zilm K.W, Pines A, Weitekamp D.P.  1985.  Zero-Field Nmr and Nqr. Journal of Chemical Physics. 83(10):4877-4905. PDF
Zax D.B, Bielecki A., Zilm K.W, Pines A, Weitekamp D.P.  1985.  Zero-Field Nmr and Nqr. Journal of Chemical Physics. 83(10):4877-4905. PDF
Zangara P.R., Henshaw J., Pagliero D., Ajoy A., Reimer J., Pines A., Meriles C..  In Press.  Two-electron-spin ratchets as a platform for microwave-free dynamic nuclear polarization of arbitrary material targets. Nano Letters.
Zangara PR, Henshaw J., Pagliero D, Ajoy A, Reimer JA, Pines A, Meriles CA.  2019.  Two-Electron-Spin Ratchets as a Platform for Microwave-Free Dynamic Nuclear Polarization of Arbitrary Material Targets. Nano Letters.
Gochin M., Hugicleary D., Zimmermann H., Pines A.  1987.  Two-Dimensional Multiple Quantum Nmr of Isotopic Mixtures in Liquid-Crystals. Molecular Physics. 60(1):205-212. PDF
Bielecki A., Zax D.B, Thayer A.M, Millar J.M, Pines A.  1986.  Time Domain Zero-Field Nmr and Nqr. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences. 41(1-2):440-444. PDF
Jarvie T.P, Takegoshi K., Suter D., Pines A, Zax D.B.  1989.  Suppression of the Zero Frequency Peak in Zero-Field Nmr. Chemical Physics Letters. 158(3-4):325-328. PDF
Zax D., Pines A.  1983.  Study of Anisotropic Diffusion of Oriented Molecules by Multiple Quantum Spin Echoes. Journal of Chemical Physics. 78(10):6333-6334. PDF
Werner U., Black B., Ziegeweid M., Pines A.  1993.  Squid-Nqr of N-14 in Amino-Acids and Small Peptides. Chemical Physics Letters. 209(1-2):17-21. PDF
Ziegeweid M., Werner U., Black B., Pines A.  1994.  SQUID-NQR of N-14. NQI Newsletter. 3(1):24-25.
TonThat D.M, Ziegeweid M., Song Y.Q, Munson E.J, Appelt S., Pines A, Clarke J.  1997.  SQUID detected NMR of laser-polarized xenon at 4.2 K and at frequencies down to 200 Hz. Chemical Physics Letters. 272(3-4):245-249. PDF
Barrall G.A, Schmidt-Rohr K., Lee Y.K, Landfester K., Zimmermann H., Chingas G.C, Pines A.  1996.  Rotational diffusion measurements of suspended colloidal particles using two-dimensional exchange nuclear magnetic resonance. Journal of Chemical Physics. 104(2):509-520. PDF
Barskiy DA, Ke LA, Li X, Stevenson V, Widarman N, Zhang H, Truxal A, Pines A.  2018.  Rapid Catalyst Capture Enables Metal-Free para-Hydrogen-Based Hyperpolarized Contrast Agents. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 9:2721–2724.
Ajoy A, Liu K, Nazaryan R, Lv X, Zangara PR, Safvati B, Wang G, Arnold D, Li G, Lin A et al..  2018.  Orientation independent room-temperature optical 13C hyperpolarization in powdered diamond. Science Advances. 4(5)
Chmelka B.F, Mueller K.T, Pines A, Stebbins J., Wu Y., Zwanziger J.W.  1989.  O-17 Nmr in Solids by Dynamic-Angle Spinning and Double Rotation. Nature. 339(6219):42-43. PDF
Zwanziger J.W, Koenig M., Pines A.  1990.  Non-Abelian Effects in a Quadrupole System Rotating around 2 Axes. Physical Review A. 42(5):3107-3110. PDF
Wernerzwanziger U., Ziegeweid M., Black B., Pines A.  1994.  N-14 Squid Nqr of L-Ala-L-His and of Serine. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences. 49(12):1188-1192.
Sinton S.W, Zax D.B, Murdoch J.B, Pines A.  1984.  Multiple-Quantum Nmr-Study of Molecular-Structure and Ordering in a Liquid-Crystal. Molecular Physics. 53(2):333-362. PDF
