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Principles and Applications of Multiple-Quantum Nmr. Advances in Chemical Physics. 66:1-152.
1987. Multiple-Quantum Dynamics in Nmr - a Directed Walk through Liouville Space. Journal of Chemical Physics. 86(6):3172-3182. PDF
1987. Proton-Enhanced Deuterium Nmr in Rotating Solids. Chemical Physics Letters. 76(1):149-154. PDF
1980. Pure-Absorption-Phase Dynamic-Angle Spinning. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 92(3):620-627. PDF
1991. High-Resolution O-17 Nmr of Solid Silicates. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 113(1):32-38. PDF
1991. Dynamic-Angle Spinning of Quadrupolar Nuclei. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 86(3):470-487. PDF
1990. Isotropic Chemical-Shifts and Quadrupolar Parameters for O-17 Using Dynamic-Angle Spinning Nmr. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 96(17):7001-7004. PDF
1992. Nmr Probe for Dynamic-Angle Spinning. Review of Scientific Instruments. 62(6):1445-1452. PDF
1991. Amplification of xenon NMR and MRI by remote detection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100(16):9122-9127. PDF
2003. SQUID-detected microtesla MRI in the presence of metal. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 179(1):146-151. PDF
2006. SQUID-detected in vivo MRI at microtesla magnetic fields. Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity. 15(2):757-760. PDF
2005. Zero-Field Nmr and Nqr with Selective Pulses and Indirect Detection. Journal of Chemical Physics. 83(3):934-938. PDF
1985. Zero-Field Nmr of Small-Amplitude Motions in a Polycrystalline Solid. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 108(17):5113-5116. PDF
1986. High-Resolution Studies of Deuterium by Time-Domain Zero-Field Nqr. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 69(2):243-257. PDF
1986. Relaxivity of Gadolinium Complexes Detected by Atomic Magnetometry. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 66(2):605-608. PDF
2011. Simple Data Acquisition-System for Proton-Enhanced Nuclear Induction Spectroscopy. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 14(3):270-273. PDF
1974. High-resolution NMR of static samples by rotation of the magnetic field. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 169(1):13-18. PDF
2004. Zero- to low-field MRI with averaging of concomitant gradient fields. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102(6):1840-1842. PDF
2005. Resolved magic-angle spinning of anisotropic samples in inhomogeneous fields. Chemical Physics Letters. 358(5-6):391-395. PDF
2002. Broadband phase modulation by adiabatic pulses. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 164(1):177-181. PDF
2003. Approach to high-resolution ex situ NMR spectroscopy. Science. 293(5527):82-85. PDF
2001. Xenon-based molecular sensors in lipid suspensions. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 205(2):242-246. PDF
2010. A Xenon-Based Molecular Sensor Assembled on an MS2 Viral Capsid Scaffold. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132(17):5936-+. PDF
2010. Band-selective chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging with hyperpolarized xenon-based molecular sensors. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 213(1):14-21. PDF
2011. Theory of Line-Shapes for Zero-Field Nmr in the Presence of Molecular-Motion. Journal of Chemical Physics. 87(12):6867-6876. PDF