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Multiple-quantum magic-angle spinning and dynamic-angle spinning NMR spectroscopy of quadrupolar nuclei. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 8(1):1-16. PDF
1997. Multiple-Quantum Nmr in Solids. Journal of Chemical Physics. 78(6):3579-3582. PDF
1983. Multiple-Quantum Nmr-Study of Clustering in Hydrogenated Amorphous-Silicon. Physical Review Letters. 56(13):1377-1380. PDF
1986. Multiple-Quantum Nmr-Study of Molecular-Structure and Ordering in a Liquid-Crystal. Molecular Physics. 53(2):333-362. PDF
1984. Multiple-Quantum Nmr-Study of the Distribution of Benzene in Nay Zeolite. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 96(21):8517-8522. PDF
1992. Multiple-Quantum Nmr-Study on Correlation of 2 Methyl-Groups. Scientia Sinica Series a-Mathematical Physical Astronomical & Technical Sciences. 30(2):157-164.
1987. Multiple-Quantum Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Spectroscopy. Science. 233(4763):525-531.
1986. Multiplets at zero magnetic field: The geometry of zero-field NMR. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 138(18):184202-15. PDF
2013. Multipole shimming of permanent magnets using harmonic corrector rings. Review of Scientific Instruments. 78(3) PDF
2007. N-14 Squid Nqr of L-Ala-L-His and of Serine. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences. 49(12):1188-1192.
1994. Nanoemulsion contrast agents with sub-picomolar sensitivity for xenon NMR. Journal of the American Chemical Society. PDF
2013. Near-Zero-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Physical Review Letters. 107(10) PDF
2011. New Angles in Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Sample Spinning. Accounts of Chemical Research. 25(5):209-215. PDF
1992. New Approach to High-Resolution Proton Nmr in Solids - Deuterium Spin Decoupling by Multiple-Quantum Transitions. Physical Review Letters. 36(2):110-113. PDF
1976. New Probe for High-Temperature Nmr-Spectroscopy with Ppm Resolution. Review of Scientific Instruments. 57(1):39-42. PDF
1986. NMR analysis on microfluidic devices by remote detection. Analytical Chemistry. 77(24):8109-8114. PDF
2005. NMR and MRI obtained with high transition temperature DC SQUIDs. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society. 10(4):307-312. PDF
1999. NMR and MRI using laser-polarized xenon. Spectroscopy. 14(7):26-33. PDF
1999. NMR detection using laser-polarized xenon as a dipolar sensor. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 176(2):125-139. PDF
2005. Nmr Double-Quantum Spin Decoupling in Solids. Physical Review B. 18(1):112-125. PDF
1978. Nmr Experiments with a New Double Rotor. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 89(2):297-309. PDF
1990. Nmr Imaging in Solids by Multiple-Quantum Resonance. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 60(2):337-341. PDF
1984. NMR imaging of catalytic hydrogenation in microreactors with the use of para-hydrogen. Science. 319(5862):442-445. PDF
2008. NMR in physics, chemistry and biology: Illustrations of Bloch's legacy in proceedings of the Bloch symposium. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 4(6):1241-1267.
1990. NMR in rotating magnetic fields: magic-angle field spinning. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 23(2):295-299. PDF