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Bowers C.R, Pietrass T., Barash E., Pines A, Grubbs R.K, Alivisatos A.P.  1994.  Probing Cds Nanocrystal Surfaces with Laser-Polarized Xenon. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 98(38):9400-9404. PDF
Chmelka B.F, Ryoo R., Liu S.B, Demenorval L.C, Radke C.J, Petersen E.E, Pines A.  1988.  Probing Metal Cluster Formation in Nay Zeolite by Xe-129 Nmr. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 110(13):4465-4467. PDF
Goodson B.M., Kaiser L., Pines A.  1999.  Proc. of the Int. School of Physics, Enrico Fermi Course CXXXIX - Magnetic Resonance and Brain Funtion: Approaches from Physics. NMR and MRI of Laser-Polarized Noble Gases in Molecules.
Emsley L., Laws D., Pines A.  1998.  Proc. of the Int. School of Physics, Enrico Fermi Course CXXXIX - Magnetic Resonance and Brain Funtion: Approaches from Physics. Lectures on Pulsed NMR. :210.
Emsley L., Pines A.  1994.  Proceedings of the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi, Course CXXIII 1992. Lectures in Pulsed NMR. PDF
Waugh J.S., Gibby M.G., Kaplan S., Pines A.  1972.  Proton-enhance NMR of dilute spins in solids, proceedings of the congress ampere. The Congress Ampere. :11-17.
Muller L., Eckman R., Pines A.  1980.  Proton-Enhanced Deuterium Nmr in Rotating Solids. Chemical Physics Letters. 76(1):149-154. PDF
Pines A, Gibby M.G, Waugh J.S.  1973.  Proton-Enhanced Nmr of Dilute Spins in Solids. Journal of Chemical Physics. 59(2):569-590. PDF
Pines A, Waugh J.S, Gibby M.G.  1972.  Proton-Enhanced Nuclear Induction Spectroscopy C-13 Chemical Shielding Anisotropy in Some Organic Solids. Chemical Physics Letters. 15(3):373-&. PDF
Pines A, Waugh J.S, Gibby M.G.  1972.  Proton-Enhanced Nuclear Induction Spectroscopy - Method for High-Resolution Nmr of Dilute Spins in Solids. Journal of Chemical Physics. 56(4):1776-&. PDF
Gibby M.G, Pines A, Waugh J.S.  1972.  Proton-Enhanced Nuclear Induction Spectroscopy - Silicon-29 Chemical Shielding Anisotropy in Some Organosilicon Compounds. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 94(17):6231-&. PDF
Hurlimann M.D, Pennington C.H, Fan N.Q, Clarke J, Pines A, Hahn E.L.  1992.  Pulsed Fourier-Transform Nqr of N-14 with a Dc Squid. Physical Review Letters. 69(4):684-687. PDF
Pines A, Ellett J.D.  1973.  Pulsed Spin Decoupling in Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 95(13):4437-4438. PDF
Grandinetti P.J, Baltisberger J.H, Llor A., Lee Y.K, Werner U., Eastman M.A, Pines A.  1993.  Pure-Absorption-Mode Lineshapes and Sensitivity in 2-Dimensional Dynamic-Angle Spinning Nmr. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Series A. 103(1):72-81. PDF
Mueller K.T, Wooten E.W, Pines A.  1991.  Pure-Absorption-Phase Dynamic-Angle Spinning. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 92(3):620-627. PDF
