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Journal Article
Trabesinger A.H, McDermott R, Lee S.K, Mück M, Clarke J, Pines A.  2004.  SQUID-detected liquid state NMR in microtesla fields. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 108(6):957-963. PDF
McDermott R, Kelso N., Lee S.K, Mossle M., Mück M, Myers W., B. Haken ten, Seton H.C, Trabesinger A.H, Pines A et al..  2004.  SQUID-detected magnetic resonance imaging in microtesla magnetic fields. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 135(5-6):793-821. PDF
Mossle M., Han S.I, Myers W.R, Lee S.K, Kelso N., Hatridge M., Pines A, Clarke J.  2006.  SQUID-detected microtesla MRI in the presence of metal. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 179(1):146-151. PDF
Lee S.K, Mossle M., Myers W., Kelso N., Trabesinger A.H, Pines A, Clarke J.  2005.  SQUID-detected MRI at 132 mu T with T(1)-weighted contrast established at 10 mu T-300 mT. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 53(1):9-14. PDF
Black B., Majer G., Pines A.  1993.  Squid-Nmr Study of Methyl Quantum Tunneling in a Series of Carboxylic-Acids. Chemical Physics Letters. 201(5-6):550-554. PDF
Ziegeweid M., Werner U., Black B., Pines A.  1994.  SQUID-NQR of N-14. NQI Newsletter. 3(1):24-25.
Werner U., Black B., Ziegeweid M., Pines A.  1993.  Squid-Nqr of N-14 in Amino-Acids and Small Peptides. Chemical Physics Letters. 209(1-2):17-21. PDF
Zax D., Pines A.  1983.  Study of Anisotropic Diffusion of Oriented Molecules by Multiple Quantum Spin Echoes. Journal of Chemical Physics. 78(10):6333-6334. PDF
Pines A, Chang J.J.  1974.  Study of Isotropic-Nematic-Solid Transitions in a Liquid-Crystal by Carbon-13-Proton Double-Resonance. Physical Review A. 10(3):946-949. PDF
Sinton S., Pines A.  1980.  Study of Liquid-Crystal Conformation by Multiple Quantum Nmr - Normal-Pentyl Cyanobiphenyl. Chemical Physics Letters. 76(2):263-267. PDF
Jelinek R., Pines A, Ozkar S., Ozin G.A..  1992.  A study of nanostructure assemblies and guest-host interactions in sodium zeolite-Y using Na-23 double rotation NMR. Nanotechnology. (2):182-186. PDF
Suter D., Mueller K.T, Pines A.  1988.  Study of the Aharonov-Anandan Quantum Phase by Nmr Interferometry. Physical Review Letters. 60(13):1218-1220. PDF
Jelinek R., Chmelka B.F, Wu Y., Grandinetti P.J, Pines A, Barrie P.J, Klinowski J..  1991.  Study of the Aluminophosphates Alpo4-21 and Alpo4-25 by Al-27 Double-Rotation Nmr. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 113(11):4097-4101. PDF
Luhmer M., Goodson B.M, Song Y.Q, Laws D.D, Kaiser L., Cyrier M.C, Pines A.  1999.  Study of xenon binding in cryptophane-A using laser-induced NMR polarization enhancement. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 121(14):3502-3512. PDF
Xu S., Crawford C.W, Rochester S., Yashchuk V., Budker D., Pines A.  2008.  Submillimeter-resolution magnetic resonance imaging at the Earth's magnetic field with an atomic magnetometer. Physical Review A. 78(1) PDF
Werner U., Muller-Warmuth W., Pines A.  1990.  A suggestion for detecting rotational tunnelling of CD3: Groups by mulitple quantum spectroscopy. Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance. 12(1/2):9-14. PDF
Shin CS, Avalos CE, Butler MC, Wang H-J, Seltzer SJ, Liu R-B, Pines A, Bajaj VS.  2013.  Suppression of electron spin decoherence of the diamond NV center by a transverse magnetic field. Physical Review B. 88(16) PDF
Jarvie T.P, Takegoshi K., Suter D., Pines A, Zax D.B.  1989.  Suppression of the Zero Frequency Peak in Zero-Field Nmr. Chemical Physics Letters. 158(3-4):325-328. PDF
Brunner E., Seydoux R., Haake M., Pines A, Reimer J.A.  1998.  Surface NMR using laser-polarized (129)Xe under magic angle spinning conditions. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 130(1):145-148. PDF
Pietrass T., Seydoux R., Pines A.  1998.  Surface selective H-1/Si-29 CP NMR by NOE enhancement from laser polarized xenon. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 133(2):299-303. PDF
Bifone A., Pietrass T., Kritzenberger J., Pines A, Chmelka B.F.  1995.  Surface Study of Supported Metal Particles by Xe-129 Nmr. Physical Review Letters. 74(16):3277-3280. PDF
Haake M., Pines A, Reimer J.A, Seydoux R..  1997.  Surface-enhanced NMR using continuous-flow laser-polarized xenon. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 119(48):11711-11712. PDF
Shaka A.J, Pines A.  1987.  Symmetrical Phase-Alternating Composite Pulses. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 71(3):495-503. PDF
Jeong K, Netirojjanakul C, Munch HK, Sun J, Finbloom JA, Wemmer DE, Pines A, Francis MB.  2016.  Targeted Molecular Imaging of Cancer Cells using MS2-Based 129Xe NMR. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 27(8)
Schroeder L., Meldrum T., Smith M., Lowery T.J, Wemmer D.E, Pines A.  2008.  Temperature response of (129)Xe depolarization transfer and its application for ultrasensitive NMR detection. Physical Review Letters. 100(25) PDF
