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Caldarelli S., Hong M., Emsley L., Pines A.  1996.  Measurement of carbon-proton dipolar couplings in liquid crystals by local dipolar field NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 100(48):18696-18701. PDF
Chang J.J, Griffin R.G, Pines A.  1974.  Chemical Shielding Tensor of C-13 in a Carboxyl Group. Journal of Chemical Physics. 60(6):2561-2562. PDF
Chang J.J, Griffin R.G, Pines A.  1975.  C-13 Chemical Shielding Tensors in Ammonium Hydrogen Malonate. Journal of Chemical Physics. 62(12):4923-4926. PDF
Chang J.J, Pines A, Fripiat J.J, Resing H.A.  1975.  Qualitative Analysis of Chemisorbed Molecular Species Via C-13 Nmr. Surface Science. 47(2):661-665. PDF
Chang J., Connor C., Hahn E.L, Huber H., Pines A.  1989.  Direct Detection of Al-27 Resonance with a Squid Spectrometer. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 82(2):387-391. PDF
Chmelka B.F., de Menorval L.C., Csencsits R., Ryoo R., Liu S.B., Radke C.J., Petersen E.E., Pines A.  1989.  Calcination-dependence ofplatinum cluster formation in NaY zeolite: A xenon-129 NMR study. Structure and Reactivity of Surfaces. :269-278.
Chmelka B.F., Wu Y., Jelinek R., Davis M.E., Pines A.  1991.  Framework ordering in aluminophosphate molecular sieves studied by (27)Al double rotation NMR. 69:435-442.
Chmelka B.F, Mueller K.T, Pines A, Stebbins J., Wu Y., Zwanziger J.W.  1989.  O-17 Nmr in Solids by Dynamic-Angle Spinning and Double Rotation. Nature. 339(6219):42-43. PDF
Chmelka B.F, Pines A.  1989.  Some Developments in Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance of Solids. Science. 246(4926):71-77. PDF
Chmelka B.F, Pearson J.G, Liu S.B, Ryoo R., Demenorval L.C, Pines A.  1991.  Nmr-Study of the Distribution of Aromatic-Molecules in Nay Zeolite. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 95(1):303-310. PDF
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Cho H., Pines A.  1987.  Iterative Maps for Broad-Band Excitation of Transverse Coherence in 2 Level Systems. Journal of Chemical Physics. 86(12):6591-6601. PDF
Cho H., Mueller K.T, Shaka A.J, Pines A.  1989.  Frequency Selective Nmr Pulse Sequences Generated by Iterative Schemes with Multiple Fixed-Points. Molecular Physics. 67(3):505-516. PDF
Cho H.M, Tycko R., Pines A, Guckenheimer J..  1986.  Iterative Maps for Bistable Excitation of 2-Level Systems. Physical Review Letters. 56(18):1905-1908. PDF
Choi J.-S., Kim S., Yoo D., Shin T.-H., Kim H., Gomes M.D., Kim S.H, Pines A, Cheon J..  2017.  Distance-dependent magnetic resonance tuning as a versatile MRI sensing platform for biological targets. Nature Materials. 16(5):537-542.
Colell J., Turschmann P., Gloggler S., Schleker P., Theis T., Ledbetter M., Budker D., Pines A, Blumich B., Appelt S..  2013.  Fundamental Aspects of Parahydrogen Enhanced Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Physical Review Letters. 110(13):137602. PDF
Connor C., Chang J., Pines A.  1990.  Magnetic-Resonance Spectrometer with a Dc Squid Detector. Review of Scientific Instruments. 61(3):1059-1063. PDF
Connor C., Chang J., Pines A.  1990.  Aluminum and Boron Nuclear-Quadrupole Resonance with a Direct-Current Superconducting Quantum Interference Device. Journal of Chemical Physics. 93(11):7639-7646. PDF
Crawford C.W, Xu S.J, Siegel E.J, Budker D., Pines A.  2008.  Fluid-flow characterization with nuclear spins without magnetic resonance. Applied Physics Letters. 93(9) PDF
