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Pake Patterns from Zero to High-Field. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 74(2):381-385. PDF
1987. Principles and Applications of Multiple-Quantum Nmr. Advances in Chemical Physics. 66:1-152.
1987. Quenching of Residual Fields by Nonaxially Symmetrical Dipolar Coupling in Zero-Field Nmr. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 73(3):459-466. PDF
1987. Recursive Evaluation of Interaction Pictures. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 75(3):509-512. PDF
1987. Relaxation Mechanisms and Effects of Motion in Albite (Naalsi3o8) Liquid and Glass - a High-Temperature Nmr-Study. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. 15(2):155-162. PDF
1987. Speciation and Local-Structure in Alkali and Alkaline-Earth Silicate-Glasses - Constraints from Si-29 Nmr-Spectroscopy. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 89(3):371-383. PDF
1987. Symmetrical Phase-Alternating Composite Pulses. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 71(3):495-503. PDF
1987. Theory of Broad-Band Heteronuclear Decoupling in Multispin Systems. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 73(1):90-98. PDF
1987. Theory of Line-Shapes for Zero-Field Nmr in the Presence of Molecular-Motion. Journal of Chemical Physics. 87(12):6867-6876. PDF
1987. Theory of Multiple-Pulse Nmr at Low and Zero Fields. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 75(1):110-124. PDF
1987. Two-Dimensional Multiple Quantum Nmr of Isotopic Mixtures in Liquid-Crystals. Molecular Physics. 60(1):205-212. PDF
1987. Zero-Field Nmr. Accounts of Chemical Research. 20(2):47-53. PDF
1987. Zero-Field Nmr of Nematic Liquid-Crystals with Positive and Negative Magnetic-Susceptibility Anisotropies. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 91(8):2194-2197. PDF
1987. Zero-Field Nmr of Uniaxial and Biaxial Smectic Liquid-Crystals. Molecular Physics. 62(3):573-583. PDF
1987. Zero-Field Nmr-Study of the Biaxial Smectic-E Phase. Liquid Crystals. 2(2):241-244. PDF
1987. Broad-Band Heteronuclear Spin Decoupling in Solids. Chemical Physics Letters. 144(4):324-327. PDF
1988. Diffusive Motion in Alkali Silicate Melts - an Nmr-Study at High-Temperature. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 52(2):527-538. PDF
1988. High-Resolution Solid-State Nmr Averaging of 2nd-Order Effects by Means of a Double-Rotor. Molecular Physics. 65(4):1013-1018. PDF
1988. Iterative Carr-Purcell Trains. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 77(3):606-611. PDF
1988. Iterative Schemes for Bilinear Operators - Application to Spin Decoupling. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 77(2):274-293. PDF
1988. .
1988. Multiple-Pulse Sequences for Precise Transmitter Phase Alignment. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 80(1):96-111. PDF
1988. Observation of Molecular-Reorientation in Ice by Proton and Deuterium Magnetic-Resonance. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 110(17):5668-5671. PDF
1988. Phase-Incremented Multiple-Quantum Nmr Experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 76(1):149-154. PDF
1988. Probing Metal Cluster Formation in Nay Zeolite by Xe-129 Nmr. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 110(13):4465-4467. PDF