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Spectrometers for multiple pulse NMR. Advances in Magnetic Resonance. 5:117-175.
1971. .
2017. Deuterium Nmr in Solids with a Cylindrical Magic Angle Sample Spinner. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 41(3):440-446. PDF
1980. Deuterium Double-Quantum Nmr with Magic Angle Spinning. Chemical Physics Letters. 74(2):376-378. PDF
1980. Spin Diffusion between Inequivalent Quadrupolar Nuclei by Double-Quantum Flip-Flops. Chemical Physics Letters. 99(1):35-40. PDF
1983. Double-Tuned Hopping-Coil Probe for Dynamic-Angle-Spinning Nmr. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 98(2):333-341. PDF
1992. Fourier transform multiple quantum nuclear magnetic resonance. Faraday Symposia of the Chemical Society. 13:49-55. PDF
1978. Selectivity in Multiple-Quantum Spectroscopy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences. 299(1452):585-592. PDF
1981. Multiple Quantum Spectrum of Oriented Hexane-D6. Chemical Physics. 108(2):179-185. PDF
1986. Cross-polarization from quadrupolar nuclei to silicon using low-radio-frequency amplitudes during magic-angle spinning. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 101(16):3240-3249. PDF
1997. Investigations of Adsorbed Organic-Molecules in Na-Y Zeolite by Xe-129 Nmr. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 94(1):27-31. PDF
1990. Toward ex situ phase-encoded spectroscopic imaging. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B-Magnetic Resonance Engineering. 29B(3):137-144. PDF
2006. Three-dimensional phase-encoded chemical shift MRI in the presence of inhomogeneous fields. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101(24):8845-8847. PDF
2004. 'Ex situ' magnetic resonance volume imaging. Chemical Physics Letters. 467(4-6):398-401. PDF
2009. NMR spectra with peaks at the principal values of the chemical shielding tensor. Chemical Physics Letters. 285(1-2):59-63. PDF
1998. In situ NMR analysis of fluids contained in sedimentary rock. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 133(2):385-387. PDF
1998. NMR and MRI obtained with high transition temperature DC SQUIDs. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society. 10(4):307-312. PDF
1999. Reversal of radio-frequency-driven spin diffusion by reorientation of the sample spinning axis. Journal of Chemical Physics. 108(3):826-829. PDF
1998. Fluid-flow characterization with nuclear spins without magnetic resonance. Applied Physics Letters. 93(9) PDF
2008. Magnetic-Resonance Spectrometer with a Dc Squid Detector. Review of Scientific Instruments. 61(3):1059-1063. PDF
1990. Aluminum and Boron Nuclear-Quadrupole Resonance with a Direct-Current Superconducting Quantum Interference Device. Journal of Chemical Physics. 93(11):7639-7646. PDF
1990. Fundamental Aspects of Parahydrogen Enhanced Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Physical Review Letters. 110(13):137602. PDF
2013. Distance-dependent magnetic resonance tuning as a versatile MRI sensing platform for biological targets. Nature Materials. 16(5):537-542.
2017. Iterative Maps with Multiple Fixed-Points for Excitation of 2 Level Systems. Journal of Chemical Physics. 86(6):3089-3106. PDF
1987. Iterative Maps for Broad-Band Excitation of Transverse Coherence in 2 Level Systems. Journal of Chemical Physics. 86(12):6591-6601. PDF