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NMR techniques in catalysis. Chemical industries. (55):viii,432p..
1994. Proc. of the Int. School of Physics, Enrico Fermi Course CXXXIX - Magnetic Resonance and Brain Funtion: Approaches from Physics. Lectures on Pulsed NMR. :210.
1998. Proc. of the Int. School of Physics, Enrico Fermi Course CXXXIX - Magnetic Resonance and Brain Funtion: Approaches from Physics. NMR and MRI of Laser-Polarized Noble Gases in Molecules.
1999. Proceedings of the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi, Course CXXIII 1992. Lectures in Pulsed NMR.
Calcination-dependence ofplatinum cluster formation in NaY zeolite: A xenon-129 NMR study. Structure and Reactivity of Surfaces. :269-278.
1989. Double quantum NMR in solids. Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter: Recent developments. :127-129.
Group Theory and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Dynamics. NMR and More - In Honour of Anatole Abragam. :175-199.
1994. New Angles in Motional Averaging. Pulsed magnetic resonance: NMR, ESR and optics: A recognition of E.L. Hahn. :80-94.
1992. Synthetic Peptides Model α - Helix - β - Sheet Conformational Changes in the Prion Protien. Peptides: Chemistry, Structure and Biology. :468-470.
1996. Theory of double-quantum coherence and high resolution deuterium NMR in solids. Magnetic resonance and related phenomena. :395-400.
Framework ordering in aluminophosphate molecular sieves studied by (27)Al double rotation NMR. 69:435-442.
1991. "Lighting Up" NMR and MRI in Colloidal and Interfacial Systems. Magnetic Resonance in Colloid and Interface Sciences. :97-106.
Abelian and non-abelian holonomy in NMR interferometry. Proc. of the Conference on Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Theory.
1990. Application of novel NMR techniques to coal structure. Coal Chemistry Workshop. :229.
1976. Enhanced Surface NMR of Zeolites and Related Material Using Laser-Polarized Xenon. Proc. 12th Int. Zeolite Conf.. (4):2943-2950.
1999. Proton-enhance NMR of dilute spins in solids, proceedings of the congress ampere. The Congress Ampere. :11-17.
1972. Sensitivity in high resolution nuclear magnetic double resonance, proceedings of the first specialized colloque ampere. The First Specialized Colloque Ampere. :165-170.
1973. Yakir Aharonov: From A to B. Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Theory.
1994. 129Xe NMR Relaxation-Based Macromolecular Sensing. JACS Communication. 138(31)
2016. 13C-Decoupled J-Coupling Spectroscopy Using Two-Dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance at Zero-Field. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 8:1512-1516.
2017. 2-Dimensional Nmr-Studies of Flexible Molecules in Liquid-Crystals - Orientational Order and Conformational Probabilities of N-Hexane. Molecular Physics. 69(4):671-695.
2-Dimensional Proton Nmr-Studies of the Conformations and Orientations of N-Alkanes in a Liquid-Crystal Solvent. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 97(15):3858-3866.
2-Dimensional Xe-129 Exchange Nmr Measurements of Xenon Dynamics in Na-a Zeolite. Zeolites and Related Microporous Materials: State of the Art 1994. 84:519-526.