Reversal of radio-frequency-driven spin diffusion by reorientation of the sample spinning axis

TitleReversal of radio-frequency-driven spin diffusion by reorientation of the sample spinning axis
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsDe Paul S.M, Tomaselli M., Pines A, Ernst M., Meier B.H
JournalJournal of Chemical Physics
Date PublishedJan 15
ISBN Number0021-9606
Accession NumberWOS:000071487500002

The dipolar Hamiltonian in a rapidly rotating sample is scaled by the second Legendre polynomial of the cosine of the angle between the rotation axis and the static magnetic field. It is, therefore, possible to refocus the spatial polarization-transfer process, often termed spin diffusion, in extended spin systems by reorienting the rotor axis such that the dipolar interaction Hamiltonian changes sign. We present experimental results which demonstrate that a rapid mechanical sample reorientation leads to a time reversal of the "radio-frequency-driven" spin diffusion among C-13 spins. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(98)03503-X].

URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:000071487500002
Short TitleReversal of radio-frequency-driven spin diffusion by reorientation of the sample spinning axis
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