2-Dimensional Xe-129 Exchange Nmr Measurements of Xenon Dynamics in Na-a Zeolite

Title2-Dimensional Xe-129 Exchange Nmr Measurements of Xenon Dynamics in Na-a Zeolite
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsJanicke M., Chmelka B.F, Larsen R.G, Shore J., Schmidt-Rohr K., Emsley L., Long H., Pines A
JournalZeolites and Related Microporous Materials: State of the Art 1994
ISBN Number0167-2991
Accession NumberWOS:A1994BD02E00063
AbstractTwo-dimensional (2D) exchange NMR is a powerful tool for measuring the dynamics and energetics of adsorbed xenon atoms undergoing slow exchange between the alpha-cages of Na-A zeolite. In this proceedings, we present recently published results, as well as additional discussion and data obtained, using 2D Xe-129 NMR to determine rate coefficients for intercage xenon hopping and to correlate them with adsorption and activation energies. Variable-temperature experiments establish the activation energy for hopping between alpha-cages to be 60+/-10 kJ/mol. The dependence of these kinetic and thermodynamic quantities on xenon occupancy of the alpha-cages reflects the importance of intracage interactions on the behavior of the adsorbed guest molecules.
URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:A1994BD02E00063
Short Title2-Dimensional Xe-129 Exchange Nmr Measurements of Xenon Dynamics in Na-a Zeolite