Band-selective chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging with hyperpolarized xenon-based molecular sensors

TitleBand-selective chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging with hyperpolarized xenon-based molecular sensors
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsMeldrum T., Bajaj V.S, Wemmer D.E, Pines A
JournalJournal of Magnetic Resonance
Date PublishedDec
ISBN Number1090-7807
Accession NumberWOS:000296997800002

Molecular imaging based on saturation transfer in exchanging systems is a tool for amplified and chemically specific magnetic resonance imaging. Xenon-based molecular sensors are a promising category of molecular imaging agents in which chemical exchange of dissolved xenon between its bulk and agent-bound phases has been use to achieve sub-picomolar detection sensitivity. Control over the saturation transfer dynamics, particularly when multiple exchanging resonances are present in the spectra, requires saturation fields of limited bandwidth and is generally accomplished by continuous wave irradiation. We demonstrate instead how band-selective saturation sequences based on multiple pulse inversion elements can yield saturation bandwidth tuneable over a wide range, while depositing less RF power in the sample. We show how these sequences can be used in imaging experiments that require spatial-spectral and multispectral saturation. The results should be applicable to all CEST experiments and, in particular, will provide the spectroscopic control required for applications of arrays of xenon chemical sensors in microfluidic chemical analysis devices. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:000296997800002
Short TitleBand-selective chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging with hyperpolarized xenon-based molecular sensors
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