Cross Polarization from Laser-Polarized Solid Xenon to (Co2)-C-13 by Low-Field Thermal Mixing

TitleCross Polarization from Laser-Polarized Solid Xenon to (Co2)-C-13 by Low-Field Thermal Mixing
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsBowers C.R, Long H.W, Pietrass T., Gaede H.C, Pines A
JournalChemical Physics Letters
Date PublishedApr 9
ISBN Number0009-2614
Accession NumberWOS:A1993KV51900008

The first observation of nuclear spin polarization enhancement in a molecular species by coupling to laser-polarized xenon is reported. The spins of (CO2)-C-13 were cooled by inclusion into the xenon solid followed by thermal mixing in magnetic fields comparable to the heteronuclear dipolar interactions. High-field NMR detection yielded enhancement factors of up to 200. Moreover, a change in the sense of the helicity of the optical pumping light results in a sign reversal of the spin temperature and hence an inversion of the C-13 NMR signal.

URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:A1993KV51900008
Short TitleCross Polarization from Laser-Polarized Solid Xenon to (Co2)-C-13 by Low-Field Thermal Mixing
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