Cross-polarization from quadrupolar nuclei to silicon using low-radio-frequency amplitudes during magic-angle spinning

TitleCross-polarization from quadrupolar nuclei to silicon using low-radio-frequency amplitudes during magic-angle spinning
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsDePaul S.M, Ernst M., Shore J.S, Stebbins J.F, Pines A
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry B
Date PublishedApr 17
ISBN Number1089-5647
Accession NumberWOS:A1997WU63000031

The dynamics of cross-polarization from the central transition of a quadrupolar nucleus (Al-27 or Na-23) to a spin-1/2 nucleus (Si-29) during magic-angle spinning and using low-radio-frequency Geld strengths are analyzed for the mineral low albite. Under these conditions additional complications in the spin-lock behavior of the quadrupolar nucleus and in the cross-polarization process were found experimentally and are examined in detail. A step-by-step procedure for optimizing cross-polarization from the central transition of a quadrupolar nucleus to a spin-1/2 nucleus is described. Significant enhancement of Si-29 NMR sensitivity and several applications are demonstrated.

URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:A1997WU63000031
Short TitleCross-polarization from quadrupolar nuclei to silicon using low-radio-frequency amplitudes during magic-angle spinning
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