Measurement of Arterial Input Function in Hyperpolarized C-13 Studies

TitleMeasurement of Arterial Input Function in Hyperpolarized C-13 Studies
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsMarjanska M., Teisseyre T.Z, Halpern-Manners N.W, Zhang Y., Iltis I., Bajaj V., Ugurbil K., Pines A, Henry P.G
JournalApplied Magnetic Resonance
Date PublishedJul
ISBN Number0937-9347
Accession NumberWOS:000306421200024

Recently, hyperpolarized substrates generated through dynamic nuclear polarization have been introduced to study in vivo metabolism. Injection of hyperpolarized [1-C-13] pyruvate, the most widely used substrate, allows detection of time courses of [1-C-13] pyruvate and its metabolic products, such as [1-C-13] lactate and C-13-bicarbonate, in various organs. However, quantitative metabolic modeling of in vivo data to measure specific metabolic rates remains challenging without measuring the input function. In this study, we demonstrate that the input function of [1-C-13] pyruvate can be measured in vivo in the rat carotid artery using an implantable coil.

URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:000306421200024
Short TitleMeasurement of Arterial Input Function in Hyperpolarized C-13 Studies
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