Multiple-Quantum Nmr-Study of the Distribution of Benzene in Nay Zeolite

TitleMultiple-Quantum Nmr-Study of the Distribution of Benzene in Nay Zeolite
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsPearson J.G, Chmelka B.F, Shykind D.N, Pines A
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry
Date PublishedOct 15
ISBN Number0022-3654
Accession NumberWOS:A1992JU55500057

We have used multiple-quantum NMR to measure the apparent spin network size as a function of excitation time of NaY zeolite samples containing varying amounts of benzene. Behavior observed at low concentrations of benzene was consistent with the presence of isolated clusters of benzene molecules in the supercages, with a statistical distribution of benzene molecules between supercages. Behavior observed at high concentrations of benzene was consistent with the presence of weakly coupled clusters of benzene molecules, with a uniform distribution of benzene molecules between supercages.

URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:A1992JU55500057
Short TitleMultiple-Quantum Nmr-Study of the Distribution of Benzene in Nay Zeolite
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