NMR spectra with peaks at the principal values of the chemical shielding tensor

TitleNMR spectra with peaks at the principal values of the chemical shielding tensor
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1998
Authorsde Swiet T.M, Tomaselli M., Pines A
JournalChemical Physics Letters
Date PublishedMar 13
ISBN Number0009-2614
Accession NumberWOS:000072889100010

The NMR chemical shielding in a solid powder sample produces featured, but broad, lineshapes, or powder patterns, because the shielding experienced by a nuclear spin depends on the spatial orientation of its local molecular frame with respect to the external magnetic field. The Lineshape, however, is fully determined by the three principal values of the shielding tenser. We present a simple approach that uses sample spinning NMR to extract peaks at the principal-value frequencies from chemical shielding powder patterns. Such techniques may simplify spectra with overlapping powder patterns without the information loss inherent in fast magic angle spinning. Experimental data and numerical simulations are presented for two P-31 model compounds. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.

URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:000072889100010
Short TitleNMR spectra with peaks at the principal values of the chemical shielding tensor
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