Title | Remotely Detected NMR for the Characterization of Flow and Fast Chromatographic Separations Using Organic Polymer Monoliths |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2011 |
Authors | Teisseyre T.Z, Urban J., Halpern-Manners N.W, Chambers S.D, Bajaj V.S, Svec F., Pines A |
Journal | Analytical Chemistry |
Volume | 83 |
Issue | 15 |
Pagination | 6004-6010 |
Date Published | Aug 1 |
ISBN Number | 0003-2700 |
Accession Number | WOS:000293252500029 |
Keywords | visualization |
Abstract | An application of remotely detected magnetic resonance imaging is demonstrated for the characterization of flow and the detection of fast, small molecule separations within hypercrosslinked polymer monoliths. The hyper-cross-linked monoliths exhibited excellent ruggedness, with a transit time relative standard deviation of less than 2.1%, even after more than 300 column volumes were pumped through at high pressure and flow. Magnetic resonance imaging enabled high. resolution intensity and velocity-encoded images of mobile phase flow through the monolith. The images confirm that the presence of a polymer monolith within the capillary disrupts the parabolic laminar flow profile that is characteristic of mobile phase flow within an open tube. As a result, the mobile phase and analytes are equally distributed in the radial direction throughout the monolith. Also, in-line monitoring of chromatographic separations of small molecules at high flow rates is shown. The coupling of monolithic chromatography columns and NMR provides both real-time peak detection and chemical shift information for small aromatic molecules. These experiments demonstrate the unique power of magnetic resonance, both direct and remote, in studying chromatographic processes. |
URL | <Go to ISI>://WOS:000293252500029 |
DOI | 10.1021/Ac2010108 |
Short Title | Remotely Detected NMR for the Characterization of Flow and Fast Chromatographic Separations Using Organic Polymer Monoliths |

Remotely Detected NMR for the Characterization of Flow and Fast Chromatographic Separations Using Organic Polymer Monoliths
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