Title | Parahydrogen-induced polarization at zero magnetic field |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2013 |
Authors | Butler MC, Kervern G, Theis T, Ledbetter MP, Ganssle PJ, Blanchard JW, Budker D, Pines A |
Journal | The Journal of Chemical Physics |
Volume | 138 |
Issue | 23 |
Pagination | 234201 |
Date Published | 06/2013 |
Abstract | We use symmetry arguments and simple model systems to describe the conversion of the singlet state of parahydrogen into an oscillating sample magnetization at zero magnetic field. During an initial period of free evolution governed by the scalar-coupling Hamiltonian HJ, the singlet state is converted into scalar spin order involving spins throughout the molecule. A short dc pulse along the z axis rotates the transverse spin components of nuclear species I and S through different angles, converting a portion of the scalar order into vector order. The development of vector order can be described analytically by means of single-transition operators, and it is found to be maximal when the transverse components of I are rotated by an angle of ±π/2 relative to those of S. A period of free evolution follows the pulse, during which the vector order evolves as a set of oscillating coherences. The imaginary parts of the coherences represent spin order that is not directly detectable, while the real parts can be identified with oscillations in the z component of the molecular spin dipole. The dipole oscillations are due to a periodic exchange between Iz and Sz, which have different gyromagnetic ratios. The frequency components of the resulting spectrum are imaginary, since the pulse cannot directly induce magnetization in the sample; it is only during the evolution under HJ that the vector order present at the end of the pulse evolves into detectable magnetization. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4805062] |
URL | http://link.aip.org/link/?JCP/138/234201&aemail=author |
DOI | 10.1063/1.4805062 |

Parahydrogen-induced polarization at zero magnetic field
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