Theory and Exact-Solutions for Tyckos Zero-Field Nmr in High-Field

TitleTheory and Exact-Solutions for Tyckos Zero-Field Nmr in High-Field
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsSun B.Q, Pines A
JournalJournal of Magnetic Resonance Series A
Date PublishedAug
ISBN Number1064-1858
Accession NumberWOS:A1994PB54600003
Keywordssolid-state nmr

A theory of zero-field NMR in high field (ZFHF-NMR) is described in terms of coherent averaging and irreducible tensors. The theory is used to determine analytical solutions for the parameters of the trajectory proposed and used by Tycko. A new pulse sequence is presented, and optimized solutions for dynamic-angle spinning, dynamic-angle hopping, and double-rotation versions of ZFHF-NMR are discussed. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.

URL<Go to ISI>://WOS:A1994PB54600003
Short TitleTheory and Exact-Solutions for Tyckos Zero-Field Nmr in High-Field
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