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Shapiro MG, R. Ramirez M, Sperling LJ, Sun G, Sun J, Pines A, Schaffer DV, Bajaj VS.  2014.  Genetically encoded reporters for hyperpolarized xenon MRI. Nature Chemistry. 6:629-634. PDF
Jimenez-Martinez R., Kennedy D.J, Rosenbluh M., Donley E.A, Knappe S., Seltzer S.J, Ring H., Bajaj V.S., Kitching J..  2014.  Optical hyperpolarization and NMR detection of 129Xe on a microfluidic chip. Nature Communication. 5:3908. PDF
Wang H.J, Shin C.S, Seltzer S.J, Avalos C.E, Pines A, Bajaj V.S.  2014.  Optically detected cross-relaxation spectroscopy of electron spins in diamonds. Nature Communication. 5:4135. PDF
Wang H.J, Shin C.S, Seltzer S.J, Avalos C.E, Pines A, Bajaj V.S.  2014.  Optically detected cross-relaxation spectroscopy of electron spins in diamonds. Nature Communication. 5:4135. PDF
Shin C.S, Butler M.C, Wang H.J, Avalos C.E, Seltzer S.J, Liu R., Pines A, Bajaj V.S..  2014.  Optically-detected nuclear quadrupolar interaction of 14N in nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. Physical Review B. 89(20):205202. PDF
Shin C.S, Butler M.C, Wang H.J, Avalos C.E, Seltzer S.J, Liu R., Pines A, Bajaj V.S..  2014.  Optically-detected nuclear quadrupolar interaction of 14N in nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. Physical Review B. 89(20):205202. PDF
Ganssle P.J, Shin H.D, Seltzer S.J, Bajaj V.S., Ledbetter M.P, Budker D., Knappe S., Kitching J., Pines A.  2014.  Ultra-Low-Field NMR Relaxation and Diffusion Measurements Using an Optical Magnetometer (Cover Article). Angewandte Chemie. 53(37):1-6. PDF
Ganssle P.J, Shin H.D, Seltzer S.J, Bajaj V.S., Ledbetter M.P, Budker D., Knappe S., Kitching J., Pines A.  2014.  Ultra-Low-Field NMR Relaxation and Diffusion Measurements Using an Optical Magnetometer (Cover Article). Angewandte Chemie. 53(37):1-6. PDF
Jeong K, Slack CC, Vassiliou CC, Dao P, Gomes MD, Kennedy DJ, Truxal AE, Sperling LJ, Francis MB, Wemmer DE et al..  2015.  Investigation of DOTA‐Metal Chelation Effects on 129Xe Chemical Shift. ChemPhysChem. PDF
Jeong K, Slack CC, Vassiliou CC, Dao P, Gomes MD, Kennedy DJ, Truxal AE, Sperling LJ, Francis MB, Wemmer DE et al..  2015.  Investigation of DOTA‐Metal Chelation Effects on 129Xe Chemical Shift. ChemPhysChem. PDF
Blanchard JW, Sjolander TF, King JP, Ledbetter M, Levine EH, Bajaj VS, Budker D, Pines A.  2015.   Measurement of untruncated nuclear spin interactions via zero-to ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance. Physical Review B.
King JP, Jeong K, Vassiliou CC, Shin CS, Page RH, Avalos CE, Wang H-J, Pines A.  2015.  Room temperature in situ nuclear spin hyperpolarization from optically pumped nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond. Nature Communications. PDF
Shimizu Y., Blanchard J.W., Pustelny S., Saielli G., Bagno A., Ledbetter M.P., Budker D., Pines A.  2015.  Zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of viscous liquids. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 250:1-6. PDF
Shimizu Y., Blanchard J.W., Pustelny S., Saielli G., Bagno A., Ledbetter M.P., Budker D., Pines A.  2015.  Zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of viscous liquids. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 250:1-6. PDF
Gomes M, Dao P, Jeong K, Slack C, Vassiliou C, Francis MB, Wemmer D, Pines A.  2016.  129Xe NMR Relaxation-Based Macromolecular Sensing. JACS Communication. 138(31)
Truxal AE, Slack CC, Gomes MD, Vassiliou CC, Wemmer DE, Pines A.  2016.  Nondisruptive Dissolution of Hyperpolarized 129Xe into Viscous Aqueous and Organic Liquid Crystalline Environments. Angewandte Chemie .
Tayler MCD, Sjolander TF, Pines A, Budker D.  2016.  Nuclear magnetic resonance at millitesla fields using a zero-field spectrometer. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 270:35-39.
Slack CS, Finbloom JA, Jeong K, Bruns CJ, Wemmer DE, Pines A, Francis MB.  2016.  Rotaxane probes for protease detection by 129Xe hyperCEST NMR. Chemical Communications.
Finbloom JA, Slack CC, Bruns CJ, Jeong K, Wemmer DE, Pines A, Francis MB.  2016.  Rotaxane-mediated suppression and activation of cucurbit[6]uril for molecular detection by 129Xe hyperCEST NMR. ChemComm. PDF
Jeong K, Netirojjanakul C, Munch HK, Sun J, Finbloom JA, Wemmer DE, Pines A, Francis MB.  2016.  Targeted Molecular Imaging of Cancer Cells using MS2-Based 129Xe NMR. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 27(8)
Sjolander TF, Tayler M, King JP, Budker D, Pines A.  2016.  Transition-Selective Pulses in Zero-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 120(25)
