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Wang S.H, Xu Z., Baltisberger J.H, Bull L.M, Stebbins J.F, Pines A.  1997.  Multiple-quantum magic-angle spinning and dynamic-angle spinning NMR spectroscopy of quadrupolar nuclei. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 8(1):1-16. PDF
Yen Y.S, Pines A.  1983.  Multiple-Quantum Nmr in Solids. Journal of Chemical Physics. 78(6):3579-3582. PDF
Baum J., Gleason K.K, Pines A, Garroway A.N, Reimer J.A.  1986.  Multiple-Quantum Nmr-Study of Clustering in Hydrogenated Amorphous-Silicon. Physical Review Letters. 56(13):1377-1380. PDF
Sinton S.W, Zax D.B, Murdoch J.B, Pines A.  1984.  Multiple-Quantum Nmr-Study of Molecular-Structure and Ordering in a Liquid-Crystal. Molecular Physics. 53(2):333-362. PDF
Pearson J.G, Chmelka B.F, Shykind D.N, Pines A.  1992.  Multiple-Quantum Nmr-Study of the Distribution of Benzene in Nay Zeolite. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 96(21):8517-8522. PDF
Tang J., Wang J.F, Pines A.  1987.  Multiple-Quantum Nmr-Study on Correlation of 2 Methyl-Groups. Scientia Sinica Series a-Mathematical Physical Astronomical & Technical Sciences. 30(2):157-164.
Munowitz M., Pines A.  1986.  Multiple-Quantum Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Spectroscopy. Science. 233(4763):525-531.
Butler MC, Ledbetter MP, Theis T, Blanchard JW, Budker D, Pines A.  2013.  Multiplets at zero magnetic field: The geometry of zero-field NMR. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 138(18):184202-15. PDF
Jachmann R.C, Trease D.R, Bouchard L.S, Sakellariou D., Martin R.W, Schlueter R.D, Budinger T.F, Pines A.  2007.  Multipole shimming of permanent magnets using harmonic corrector rings. Review of Scientific Instruments. 78(3) PDF
Wernerzwanziger U., Ziegeweid M., Black B., Pines A.  1994.  N-14 Squid Nqr of L-Ala-L-His and of Serine. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences. 49(12):1188-1192.
Stevens T.K, Ramirez R.M, Pines A.  2013.  Nanoemulsion contrast agents with sub-picomolar sensitivity for xenon NMR. Journal of the American Chemical Society. PDF
Ledbetter M.P, Theis T., Blanchard J.W, Ring H., Ganssle P., Appelt S., Blumich B., Pines A, Budker D..  2011.  Near-Zero-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Physical Review Letters. 107(10) PDF
Wooten E.W, Mueller K.T, Pines A.  1992.  New Angles in Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Sample Spinning. Accounts of Chemical Research. 25(5):209-215. PDF
Pines A, Ruben D.J, Vega S., Mehring M..  1976.  New Approach to High-Resolution Proton Nmr in Solids - Deuterium Spin Decoupling by Multiple-Quantum Transitions. Physical Review Letters. 36(2):110-113. PDF
Stebbins J.F, Schneider E., Murdoch J.B, Pines A, Carmichael I.SE.  1986.  New Probe for High-Temperature Nmr-Spectroscopy with Ppm Resolution. Review of Scientific Instruments. 57(1):39-42. PDF
McDonnell E.E, Han S.L, Hilty C., Pierce K.L, Pines A.  2005.  NMR analysis on microfluidic devices by remote detection. Analytical Chemistry. 77(24):8109-8114. PDF
de Souza R.E, Schlenga K., Wong-Foy A, McDermott R, Pines A, Clarke J.  1999.  NMR and MRI obtained with high transition temperature DC SQUIDs. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society. 10(4):307-312. PDF
Song Y.Q, Goodson B.M, Pines A.  1999.  NMR and MRI using laser-polarized xenon. Spectroscopy. 14(7):26-33. PDF
Granwehr J., Urban J.T, Trabesinger A.H, Pines A.  2005.  NMR detection using laser-polarized xenon as a dipolar sensor. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 176(2):125-139. PDF
Pines A, Vega S., Mehring M..  1978.  Nmr Double-Quantum Spin Decoupling in Solids. Physical Review B. 18(1):112-125. PDF
Wu Y., Sun B.Q, Pines A, Samoson A., Lippmaa E..  1990.  Nmr Experiments with a New Double Rotor. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 89(2):297-309. PDF
Garroway A.N, Baum J., Munowitz M.G, Pines A.  1984.  Nmr Imaging in Solids by Multiple-Quantum Resonance. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 60(2):337-341. PDF
Bouchard L.S, Burt S.R, Anwar M.S, Kovtunov K.V, Koptyug I.V, Pines A.  2008.  NMR imaging of catalytic hydrogenation in microreactors with the use of para-hydrogen. Science. 319(5862):442-445. PDF
Pines A.  1990.  NMR in physics, chemistry and biology: Illustrations of Bloch's legacy in proceedings of the Bloch symposium. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 4(6):1241-1267.
Sakellariou D., Meriles C.A, Martin R.W, Pines A.  2005.  NMR in rotating magnetic fields: magic-angle field spinning. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 23(2):295-299. PDF
