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Journal Article
Sakellariou D., Meriles C.A, Pines A.  2004.  Advances in ex-situ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Comptes Rendus Physique. 5(3):337-347. PDF
Meriles C.A, Sakellariou D., Heise H., Moule A.J, Pines A.  2001.  Approach to high-resolution ex situ NMR spectroscopy. Science. 293(5527):82-85. PDF
Meriles C.A, Sakellariou D., Pines A.  2003.  Broadband phase modulation by adiabatic pulses. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 164(1):177-181. PDF
Demas V., Franck J.M, Bouchard L.S, Sakellariou D., Meriles C.A, Martin R., Prado P.J, Bussandri A., Reimer J.A, Pines A.  2009.  'Ex situ' magnetic resonance volume imaging. Chemical Physics Letters. 467(4-6):398-401. PDF
Sakellariou D., Brown S.P, Lesage A., Hediger S., Bardet M., Meriles C.A, Pines A, Emsley L..  2003.  High-resolution NMR correlation spectra of disordered solids. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 125(14):4376-4380. PDF
Sakellariou D., Meriles C.A, Martin R.W, Pines A.  2003.  High-resolution NMR of anisotropic samples with spinning away from the magic angle. Chemical Physics Letters. 377(3-4):333-339. PDF
Meriles C.A, Sakellariou D., Moule A., Goldman M., Budinger T.F, Pines A.  2004.  High-resolution NMR of static samples by rotation of the magnetic field. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 169(1):13-18. PDF
Perlo J., Demas V., Casanova F., Meriles C.A, Reimer J., Pines A, Blumich B..  2005.  High-resolution NMR spectroscopy with a portable single-sided sensor. Science. 308(5726):1279-1279. PDF
Sakellariou D., Meriles C.A, Martin R.W, Pines A.  2005.  NMR in rotating magnetic fields: magic-angle field spinning. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 23(2):295-299. PDF
Meriles C.A, Sakellariou D., Pines A.  2002.  Resolved magic-angle spinning of anisotropic samples in inhomogeneous fields. Chemical Physics Letters. 358(5-6):391-395. PDF
Topgaard D., Martin R.W, Sakellariou D., Meriles C.A, Pines A.  2004.  "Shim pulses" for NMR spectroscopy and imaging. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101(51):17576-17581. PDF
Demas V., Sakellariou D., Meriles C.A, Han S., Reimer J., Pines A.  2004.  Three-dimensional phase-encoded chemical shift MRI in the presence of inhomogeneous fields. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101(24):8845-8847. PDF
Heise H., Sakellariou D., Meriles C.A, Moule A., Pines A.  2002.  Two-dimensional high-resolution NMR spectra in matched B-0 and B-1 field gradients. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 156(1):146-151. PDF
Sakellariou D., Meriles C.A, Moule A., Pines A.  2002.  Variable rotation composite pulses for high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance using inhomogeneous magnetic and radiofrequency fields. Chemical Physics Letters. 363(1-2):25-33. PDF
Meriles C.A, Sakellariou D., Trabesinger A.H, Demas V., Pines A.  2005.  Zero- to low-field MRI with averaging of concomitant gradient fields. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102(6):1840-1842. PDF