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Gochin M., Pines A, Rosen M.E, Rucker S.P, Schmidt C..  1990.  2-Dimensional Nmr-Studies of Flexible Molecules in Liquid-Crystals - Orientational Order and Conformational Probabilities of N-Hexane. Molecular Physics. 69(4):671-695. PDF
Pines A, Meuller K.T..  1990.  Abelian and non-abelian holonomy in NMR interferometry. Proc. of the Conference on Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Theory.
Connor C., Chang J., Pines A.  1990.  Aluminum and Boron Nuclear-Quadrupole Resonance with a Direct-Current Superconducting Quantum Interference Device. Journal of Chemical Physics. 93(11):7639-7646. PDF
Zwanziger J.W, Koenig M., Pines A.  1990.  Berrys Phase. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. 41:601-646. PDF
Mueller K.T, Sun B.Q, Chingas G.C, Zwanziger J.W, Terao T., Pines A.  1990.  Dynamic-Angle Spinning of Quadrupolar Nuclei. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 86(3):470-487. PDF
Shykind D.N, Chingas G.C, Pines A, Shaka A.J.  1990.  A Fast, Stable Quadrature Phase Generator for Multiple-Pulse Nmr. Review of Scientific Instruments. 61(5):1474-1479. PDF
Wu Y., Chmelka B.F, Pines A, Davis M.E, Grobet P.J, Jacobs P.A.  1990.  High-Resolution Al-27 Nmr-Spectroscopy of the Aluminophosphate Molecular-Sieve Vpi-5. Nature. 346(6284):550-552. PDF
Demenorval L.C, Raftery D., Liu S.B, Takegoshi K., Ryoo R., Pines A.  1990.  Investigations of Adsorbed Organic-Molecules in Na-Y Zeolite by Xe-129 Nmr. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 94(1):27-31. PDF
Connor C., Chang J., Pines A.  1990.  Magnetic-Resonance Spectrometer with a Dc Squid Detector. Review of Scientific Instruments. 61(3):1059-1063. PDF
Wu Y., Sun B.Q, Pines A, Samoson A., Lippmaa E..  1990.  Nmr Experiments with a New Double Rotor. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 89(2):297-309. PDF
Pines A.  1990.  NMR in physics, chemistry and biology: Illustrations of Bloch's legacy in proceedings of the Bloch symposium. International Journal of Modern Physics B. 4(6):1241-1267.
Zwanziger J.W, Koenig M., Pines A.  1990.  Non-Abelian Effects in a Quadrupole System Rotating around 2 Axes. Physical Review A. 42(5):3107-3110. PDF
Pines A, Wu Y..  1990.  Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Spectroscopy. 5(9):34-35. PDF
Werner U., Muller-Warmuth W., Pines A.  1990.  A suggestion for detecting rotational tunnelling of CD3: Groups by mulitple quantum spectroscopy. Bulletin of Magnetic Resonance. 12(1/2):9-14. PDF
Chmelka B.F., de Menorval L.C., Csencsits R., Ryoo R., Liu S.B., Radke C.J., Petersen E.E., Pines A.  1989.  Calcination-dependence ofplatinum cluster formation in NaY zeolite: A xenon-129 NMR study. Structure and Reactivity of Surfaces. :269-278.
Chmelka B.F., de Menorval L.C., Csencsits R., Ryoo R., Liu S.B., Radke C.J., Petersen E.E., Pines A.  1989.  Calcination-dependence ofplatinum cluster formation in NaY zeolite: A xenon-129 NMR study. Structure and Reactivity of Surfaces. :269-278.
Chang J., Connor C., Hahn E.L, Huber H., Pines A.  1989.  Direct Detection of Al-27 Resonance with a Squid Spectrometer. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 82(2):387-391. PDF
Samoson A., Pines A.  1989.  Double Rotor for Solid-State Nmr. Review of Scientific Instruments. 60(10):3239-3241. PDF
Cho H., Mueller K.T, Shaka A.J, Pines A.  1989.  Frequency Selective Nmr Pulse Sequences Generated by Iterative Schemes with Multiple Fixed-Points. Molecular Physics. 67(3):505-516. PDF
Anandan J., Pines A.  1989.  Non-Abelian Geometric Phase from Incomplete Quantum Measurements. Physics Letters A. 141(7):335-339. PDF
Fan N.Q, Heaney M.B, Clarke J, Newitt D., Wald L.L, Hahn E.L, Bielecki A., Pines A.  1989.  Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance with Dc Squid Preamplifiers. Ieee Transactions on Magnetics. 25(2):1193-1199. PDF
