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Raftery D., Reven L., Long H., Pines A, Tang P., Reimer J.A.  1993.  Spin-Polarized Xe-129 Nmr-Study of a Polymer Surface. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 97(8):1649-1655. PDF
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Shin C.S, Avalos C.E, Butler M.C, Trease D.R, Seltzer S.J, Mustonen J.P, Kennedy D.J, Acosta V.M, Budker D., Pines A et al..  2012.  Room-temperature operation of a radiofrequency diamond magnetometer near the shot-noise limit. Journal of Applied Physics. 112(12):124519. PDF
De Paul S.M, Tomaselli M., Pines A, Ernst M., Meier B.H.  1998.  Reversal of radio-frequency-driven spin diffusion by reorientation of the sample spinning axis. Journal of Chemical Physics. 108(3):826-829. PDF
Teisseyre T.Z, Urban J., Halpern-Manners N.W, Chambers S.D, Bajaj V.S, Svec F., Pines A.  2011.  Remotely Detected NMR for the Characterization of Flow and Fast Chromatographic Separations Using Organic Polymer Monoliths. Analytical Chemistry. 83(15):6004-6010. PDF
Ajoy A., Nazaryan R., Druga E., Liu K., Han B., Oon J.T., Gierth M., Tsang R., Walton J.H., Meriles C.A. et al..  Submitted.  Realization of portable room temperature nanodiamond 13C hyperpolarizer.
Barskiy DA, Ke LA, Li X, Stevenson V, Widarman N, Zhang H, Truxal A, Pines A.  2018.  Rapid Catalyst Capture Enables Metal-Free para-Hydrogen-Based Hyperpolarized Contrast Agents. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 9:2721–2724.
