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Nmr of Optically Pumped Xenon Thin-Films. Chemical Physics Letters. 191(5):385-390. PDF
1992. NMR of laser-polarized xenon in human blood. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 93(23):12932-12936. PDF
1996. NMR detection using laser-polarized xenon as a dipolar sensor. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 176(2):125-139. PDF
2005. Near-Zero-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Physical Review Letters. 107(10) PDF
2011. Multipole shimming of permanent magnets using harmonic corrector rings. Review of Scientific Instruments. 78(3) PDF
2007. Multiplets at zero magnetic field: The geometry of zero-field NMR. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 138(18):184202-15. PDF
2013. Multiple-Quantum Nmr-Study on Correlation of 2 Methyl-Groups. Scientia Sinica Series a-Mathematical Physical Astronomical & Technical Sciences. 30(2):157-164.
1987. Multiple Quantum Nmr-Study of Correlation of 2 Methyl-Groups. Journal of Chemical Physics. 73(5):2512-2513. PDF
1980. Multiple quantum NMR spectroscopy. Chinese Journal of Microwave and Radio Frequency Spectroscopy. 1:12.
1983. Multiple Quantum Nmr and Relaxation of an Oriented Ch3 Group. Journal of Chemical Physics. 72(5):3290-3297. PDF
1980. Microtesla MRI with a superconducting quantum interference device. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101(21):7857-7861. PDF
2004. Measurement of Arterial Input Function in Hyperpolarized C-13 Studies. Applied Magnetic Resonance. 43(1-2):289-297. PDF
2012. Magnetic resonance imaging of oscillating electrical currents. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 107(19):8519-8524. PDF
2010. Low magnetic field dynamic nuclear polarization using a single-coil two-channel probe. Review of Scientific Instruments. 68(3):1527-1531. PDF
1997. Low field magnetic resonance images of polarized noble gases obtained with a dc superconducting quantum interference device. Applied Physics Letters. 72(15):1908-1910. PDF
1998. Low field magnetic resonance images of polarized noble gases obtained with a dc superconducting quantum interference device. Applied Physics Letters. 72(15):1908-1910. PDF
1998. Long-lived Heteronuclear Spin-Singlet States in Liquids at a Zero Magnetic Field. Physical Review Letters. 112(7):077601. PDF
2014. Liquid-state NMR and scalar couplings in microtesla magnetic fields. Science. 295(5563):2247-2249. PDF
2002. Iterative Schemes for Broad-Band and Narrow-Band Population-Inversion in Nmr. Chemical Physics Letters. 111(4-5):462-467. PDF
1984. Iterative Maps for Bistable Excitation of 2-Level Systems. Physical Review Letters. 56(18):1905-1908. PDF
1986. Invited Review Article: Instrumentation for nuclear magnetic resonance in zero and ultralow magnetic field. Review of Scientific Instruments. 88
2017. Invited Review Article: Instrumentation for nuclear magnetic resonance in zero and ultralow magnetic field. Review of Scientific Instruments. 88
2017. Investigations of Adsorbed Organic-Molecules in Na-Y Zeolite by Xe-129 Nmr. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 94(1):27-31. PDF
1990. .
2015. In vivo NMR and MRI using injection delivery of laser-polarized xenon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 94(26):14725-14729. PDF