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Sozzani P., Comotti A., Simonutti R., Meersmann T., Logan J.W, Pines A.  2000.  A porous crystalline molecular solid explored by hyperpolarized xenon. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition. 39(15):2695-2698. PDF
Bouchard L.S, Anwar M.S, Liu G.L, Hann B., Xie Z.H, Gray J.W, Wang X.D, Pines A, Chen F.F.  2009.  Picomolar sensitivity MRI and photoacoustic imaging of cobalt nanoparticles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106(11):4085-4089. PDF
Shykind D.N, Baum J., Liu S.B, Pines A.  1988.  Phase-Incremented Multiple-Quantum Nmr Experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 76(1):149-154. PDF
Koptyug I.V, Kovtunov K.V, Burt S.R, Anwar M.S, Hilty C., Han S.I, Pines A, Sagdeev R.Z.  2007.  Para-hydrogen-induced polarization in heterogeneous hydrogenation reactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 129(17):5580-5586. PDF
Theis T., Ganssle P., Kervern G., Knappe S., Kitching J., Ledbetter M.P, Budker D., Pines A.  2011.  Parahydrogen-enhanced zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance. Nature Physics. 7(7):571-575. PDF
Bouchard L.S, Kovtunov K.V, Burt S.R, Anwar M.S, Koptyug I.V, Sagdeev R.Z, Pines A.  2007.  Para-hydrogen-enhanced hyperpolarized gas-phase magnetic resonance imaging. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition. 46(22):4064-4068. PDF
Bielecki A., Pines A.  1987.  Pake Patterns from Zero to High-Field. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 74(2):381-385. PDF
Pietrass T., Seydoux R., Roth R.E, Eckert H., Pines A.  1997.  P-31 to Se-77 cross polarization in beta-P4Se3. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 8(4):265-267. PDF
Gibby M.G, Waugh J.S, Pines A, Rhim W.K.  1972.  P-31 Chemical Shielding Anisotropy in Solids - Single-Crystal and Powder Studies at 99.4 Mhz. Journal of Chemical Physics. 56(2):991-&. PDF
Schmidt C., Rosen M.E, Caplan D.F, Pines A, Quinton M.F.  1995.  Orientation and Motion of Tetrahydrofuran in Graphite-Intercalation Compounds - Proton Nmr-Studies of Cs(Thf)(1.3)C-24 and K(Thf)(2.5)C-24. Journal of Physical Chemistry. 99(26):10565-10572. PDF
Lowery T.J, Garcia S., Chavez L., Ruiz E.J, Wu T., Brotin T., Dutasta J.P, King D.S, Schultz P.G, Pines A et al..  2006.  Optimization of xenon biosensors for detection of protein interactions. Chembiochem. 7(1):65-73. PDF
Shin C.S, Butler M.C, Wang H.J, Avalos C.E, Seltzer S.J, Liu R., Pines A, Bajaj V.S..  2014.  Optically-detected nuclear quadrupolar interaction of 14N in nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. Physical Review B. 89(20):205202. PDF
Breiland W.G, Harris C.B, Pines A.  1973.  Optically Detected Electron-Spin Echoes and Free Precession in Molecular Excited-States. Physical Review Letters. 30(5):158-161. PDF
Wang H.J, Shin C.S, Seltzer S.J, Avalos C.E, Pines A, Bajaj V.S.  2014.  Optically detected cross-relaxation spectroscopy of electron spins in diamonds. Nature Communication. 5:4135. PDF
Skalla J., Wackerle G., Mehring M., Pines A.  1997.  Optical magnetic resonance imaging of Rb vapor in low magnetic fields. Physics Letters A. 226(1-2):69-74. PDF
Ledbetter M.P, Crawford C.W, Pines A, Wemmer D.E, Knappe S., Kitching J., Budker D..  2009.  Optical detection of NMR J-spectra at zero magnetic field. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 199(1):25-29. PDF
Vega S., Pines A.  1977.  Operator Formalism for Double Quantum Nmr. Journal of Chemical Physics. 66(12):5624-5644. PDF
Suter D., Jarvie T.P, Sun B., Pines A.  1987.  Observation of Spin Diffusion in Zero-Field Magnetic-Resonance. Physical Review Letters. 59(1):106-108. PDF
Wittebort R.J, Usha M.G, Ruben D.J, Wemmer D.E, Pines A.  1988.  Observation of Molecular-Reorientation in Ice by Proton and Deuterium Magnetic-Resonance. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 110(17):5668-5671. PDF
Griffin R.G, Pines A, Waugh J.S.  1975.  Observation of C-13-N-14 Dipolar Couplings in Single-Crystals of Glycine. Journal of Chemical Physics. 63(8):3676-3677. PDF
Chmelka B.F, Mueller K.T, Pines A, Stebbins J., Wu Y., Zwanziger J.W.  1989.  O-17 Nmr in Solids by Dynamic-Angle Spinning and Double Rotation. Nature. 339(6219):42-43. PDF
