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Time-reversal of cross-polarization in nuclear magnetic resonance. Journal of Chemical Physics. 108(23):9611-9613. PDF
1998. Time-Reversal Experiments in Dipolar-Coupled Spin Systems. Physical Review B. 3(3):684-&. PDF
1971. Time-Resolved Optical Nuclear-Polarization by Rapid Field Switching. Chemical Physics Letters. 93(4):392-395. PDF
1982. Time-of-flight flow imaging using NMR remote detection. Physical Review Letters. 95(7) PDF
2005. Time-of-flight flow imaging of two-component flow inside a microfluidic chip. Physical Review Letters. 98(1) PDF
2007. Time reversal of cross-polarization in solid-state NMR. Molecular Physics. 95(5):849-858. PDF
1998. Time Domain Zero-Field Nmr and Nqr. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences. 41(1-2):440-444. PDF
1986. Three-dimensional phase-encoded chemical shift MRI in the presence of inhomogeneous fields. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101(24):8845-8847. PDF
2004. Theory of Selective Excitation of Multiple-Quantum Transitions. Journal of Chemical Physics. 73(5):2084-2099. PDF
1980. Theory of Multiple-Pulse Nmr at Low and Zero Fields. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 75(1):110-124. PDF
1987. Theory of Line-Shapes for Zero-Field Nmr in the Presence of Molecular-Motion. Journal of Chemical Physics. 87(12):6867-6876. PDF
1987. Theory of Chemical-Exchange in Zero-Field Nmr - 2-Site Flips. Journal of Chemical Physics. 85(9):4873-4880. PDF
1986. Theory of Broad-Band Heteronuclear Decoupling in Multispin Systems. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 73(1):90-98. PDF
1987. Theory and Exact-Solutions for Tyckos Zero-Field Nmr in High-Field. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Series A. 109(2):157-165. PDF
1994. Theoretical studies of the spin dynamics of quadrupolar nuclei at rotational resonance conditions. Journal of Chemical Physics. 116(1):79-90. PDF
2002. Theoretical investigations of I=5/2 quadrupolar spin dynamics in the sudden-passage regime. Journal of Chemical Physics. 117(2):518-532. PDF
2002. Temperature-controlled molecular depolarization gates in nuclear magnetic resonance. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition. 47(23):4316-4320. PDF
2008. Temperature response of (129)Xe depolarization transfer and its application for ultrasensitive NMR detection. Physical Review Letters. 100(25) PDF
2008. Targeted Molecular Imaging of Cancer Cells using MS2-Based 129Xe NMR. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 27(8)
2016. Symmetrical Phase-Alternating Composite Pulses. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 71(3):495-503. PDF
1987. Surface-enhanced NMR using continuous-flow laser-polarized xenon. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 119(48):11711-11712. PDF
1997. Surface Study of Supported Metal Particles by Xe-129 Nmr. Physical Review Letters. 74(16):3277-3280. PDF
1995. Surface selective H-1/Si-29 CP NMR by NOE enhancement from laser polarized xenon. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 133(2):299-303. PDF
1998. Surface NMR using laser-polarized (129)Xe under magic angle spinning conditions. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 130(1):145-148. PDF
1998. Suppression of the Zero Frequency Peak in Zero-Field Nmr. Chemical Physics Letters. 158(3-4):325-328. PDF