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Colell J., Turschmann P., Gloggler S., Schleker P., Theis T., Ledbetter M., Budker D., Pines A, Blumich B., Appelt S..  2013.  Fundamental Aspects of Parahydrogen Enhanced Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Physical Review Letters. 110(13):137602. PDF
Blanchard J.W, Ledbetter M.P, Theis T., Butler M.C, Budker D., Pines A.  2013.  High-Resolution Zero-Field NMR J-Spectroscopy of Aromatic Compounds. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 135(9):3607-3612. PDF
Stevens T.K., Palaniappan K.K., Ramirez R.M., Francis M.B., Wemmer D.E., Pines A.  2013.  HyperCEST detection of a 129Xe-based contrast agent composed of cryptophane-A molecular cages on a bacteriophage scaffold. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 69(5):1245-1252. PDF
Palaniappan K.K, Ramirez R.M., Bajaj V.S., Wemmer D.E., Pines A, Francis M.B..  2013.  Molecular imaging of cancer cells using a bacteriophage-based (129) xe NMR biosensor.. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition. 52(18):4849-4853. PDF
Stevens T.K, Ramirez R.M, Pines A.  2013.  Nanoemulsion contrast agents with sub-picomolar sensitivity for xenon NMR. Journal of the American Chemical Society. PDF
Wang H.J, Shin C.S, Avalos C.E, Seltzer S.J, Budker D., Pines A, Bajaj V.S.  2013.  Sensitive magnetic control of ensemble nuclear spin hyperpolarization in diamond. Nature Communications. 4:1940. PDF
Meldrum T., Bajaj V.S, Wemmer D.E, Pines A.  2011.  Band-selective chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging with hyperpolarized xenon-based molecular sensors. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 213(1):14-21. PDF
Teisseyre T., Paulsen J.L., Bajaj V.S., Halpern-Manners N., Pines A.  2011.  Comrehensive sampling with prior information in remotely detected MRI of microfluidic devices. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. (216):13-20. PDF
Ledbetter M.P, Theis T., Blanchard J.W, Ring H., Ganssle P., Appelt S., Blumich B., Pines A, Budker D..  2011.  Near-Zero-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Physical Review Letters. 107(10) PDF
Theis T., Ganssle P., Kervern G., Knappe S., Kitching J., Ledbetter M.P, Budker D., Pines A.  2011.  Parahydrogen-enhanced zero-field nuclear magnetic resonance. Nature Physics. 7(7):571-575. PDF
Michalak D.J, Xu S.J, Lowery T.J, Crawford C.W, Ledbetter M., Bouchard L.S, Wemmer D.E, Budker D., Pines A.  2011.  Relaxivity of Gadolinium Complexes Detected by Atomic Magnetometry. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 66(2):605-608. PDF
Halpern-Manners N.W, Paulsen J.L, Bajaj V.S, Pines A.  2011.  Remotely Detected MRI Velocimetry in Microporous Bead Packs. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 115(16):4023-4030. PDF
Teisseyre T.Z, Urban J., Halpern-Manners N.W, Chambers S.D, Bajaj V.S, Svec F., Pines A.  2011.  Remotely Detected NMR for the Characterization of Flow and Fast Chromatographic Separations Using Organic Polymer Monoliths. Analytical Chemistry. 83(15):6004-6010. PDF
Trease D., Bajaj V.S, Paulsen J., Pines A.  2011.  Ultrafast optical encoding of magnetic resonance. Chemical Physics Letters. 503(4-6):187-190. PDF
